MAY, 1932)
regard to other evidence-we may safely conclude that conditions have not completely altered since the fourth century B.C., and that Gedrosia was even then a "worthless and sandy” country (trovypós Kai Yapons, Arrian). We are disposed to regard the massive, stone-built gabar-bands, or embankments, noticed by Sir Aurel in so many areas, as having a bearing upon the question. It seems possible that the construction, involving immense labour, of such huge dams or training-works for the conservation or control of water for purposes of irrigation was originally prompted by a diminution in the supply brought about by a change in climatic conditions. In any case a marked change appears likely to have taken place in later prehistoric times, as we notice that certain sites which disclose prolonged, settled, prehistoric occupation were abandoned before historic times.
As will be readily understood, Sir Aurel in planning this tour had kept in view the possibility of finding in the intervening country further links between the remains of the "Indus culture” found at Harappå and Mohenjo-daro and the cultures revealed from prehistoric sites in Sistân, Iran and the Tigris-Euphrates basin. That such links have indeed been traced by him will be obvious to all who study the records of these last two tours; but their exact historical, cultural and chronological interrelations still remain in large measure to be worked out. We must await, on the one hand, the complete stratigraphical exploration of certain sites, which he had neither the time nor the means to carry out, and, on the other hand, the detailed expert examination and correlation of the mass of ceramic and other material which he has recovered. It is to be hoped that necessary measures are being taken to have this critical examination made.
It is of far-reaching interest to note the evidence which Sir Aurel Stein has now unveiled of what may perhaps be regarded as two main series of routes of communication between Irån and (shall we say ?) Sumer and north-western India, the one, more northerly, through N. Baluchistan and Waziristan, and the other, to the south, along the valleys of Makrån and through the hills of Jhalaw&n, to the fertile plains of the Indus basin. The observations in connexion with the latter routes and with the significance of the persistence of a Brahui population, speaking a Dravidian language, in Jhalawan and Sar&wan contained in Chapter I cail for study and further development.
BOOK-NOTICES. REVIEW OF PRILOSOPHY AND RELIGION, being the evil influence of the sun's rays (vide Campbell,
Journal of the Academy of Philosophy and Rel. Notes on the Spirit Busis of Belief and Custom), and gion, vol. II, No. 1, March 1931. Aryabhushan
the vidvagni. The letter, according to MolesPress, Poona.
worth, is a mythical animal of flame, found in the This interesting periodical, which contains, among
864. Another occasion must be found to deal ade. other articles, a summary of the latest physical
quatoly with Mr. Abbott's interesting theory that concept of matter, is specially noticeable for an
the devak is not a totem, but merely a vehicle for original and well-reasoned discussion of 'Totemism and the Maratha Devak' by J. Abbott, 1.C.s., with
invoking the presence of the bakti. It would seem which the number commences. Mr. Abhott has
that the conclusions put forward fail to give suffi. collected from many thousand cases personally cient weight to the evidence already on record examined a list of devaks which advances our pre- regarding totem divisions among the Conde, Mundia rent knowledge materially. By far the greater and other early tribes in other parts of India, where number are the names of trees and plants. Among there is far less trace of the super-imposed Brahma. Bomo 30 odd entries which he classes as not identi. nistie culture, which, in the cases dealt with in his fiable, we note the singanvel, which is the Gouania article, has obviously obscured the original nature microcarpa, the virchatra, which is the royal um of the practicee dealt with. To road into the brella, a well known protector against the possible rapidly decaying survivals of #once consistent