SSBBABY, 1929)
of Alexander, and filled it with cannon and guns and all the apparatus of war.8 Yet notwithstanding all this army and pomp and pride and preparation, when Narsimha Raya heard of the arrival of the Sultan's army, thinking it advisable to avoid meeting their attack, he elected to take to flight.
“When the Sultan became aware of the flight of the enemy he appointed Malik Fathull&h Darya Khan with several other amirs of his conquering army to go in pursuit, and in slaughtering and plundering to strive their utmost. Darya Khan, accordingly, with his division pursued the infidels as far as the fortress of Rajamundri, and laid siege to it. The Sultan also followed him with all speed and raised his victorious standards at the foot of the fortress.... Orders were given to the army to surround the fortress, and with cannons, guns, arrows and all the engines of war to reduce the besieged to extremities and deny them the necessaries of life.
“It had nearly arrived at that stage that the face of victory was reflected in the mirrors of the desires of the royal troops, when suddenly the commander of the fortress cried for quarter. The Sultan in his exceeding mercy and kindness took pity on these unfortunate people, pardoned their offences and gave them & written promise of quarter. The governor of the fortress riding on an elephant of gigantic size went to pay his respects to the Sultan. He made his obeisance and was enrolled among the Turki, Tilangi and Habshi slaves.
“The Sultan with some of the nobles and great men went out on the summit of the fortress, and signified his wish that the rites of the faith of Islâm should be introduoed into that abodo of infidelity. He appointed to the charge of the fortress the same person to whom it had been formerly assigned."9
Comparing the accounts in these two Musalman histories we find that only four points are common to them ;
(i) That Nizâm-ul-Mulk Hasan Bahri had been driven out of the flat plains of Telingana
below the ghala by Purushottama Deva of Orissa; (ii) That the Sultan Muhammad III Bahmani took the command of the campaign
against Orissa in person ; (iii) That Rajamahendri was besieged ; and (iv) That the Hindu commandant of Rajamahendri had to capitulate.
The disagreements are many in number. According to Firishta the name of the Hindu commandant of Rajamahendri is Bhîmråja, but he is said to have retired to Kondapalle. There is no mention of Kondapalle and the retirement of Bhimråja to that place in the Burhan-i-ma'dsir ; nor is there any mention of the stationing of the Khwajah-i-Jahan and Prince Mahmad Khan at that place. The Burhan-i-ma'dsir is also silent about Sultan Muhammad III's sack of Purushottama's capital, Katak, and his devastation of Orissa. We have now to decide on the respective merits of Firishta and the Burhan-s-Ma'agir. The latter mentions one incident about which Firishta is silent, e.g., the presence of SAļuva Narasimha in the neighbourhood of Rajamahendrî. There are events recorded in the Burhan-i-ma'dir which prove without doubt that Saļuva Narasimha is the same person as that mentioned as Narsimha Raya in connection with this campaign. Immediately after the campaign of Orissa, Muhammad III Bahmani decided to attack the empire of Vijayanagara. The people in the district of Kondavidu had broken out in open rebellion in A:H. 885 (= A.D. 1480) and thrown themselves on the protection of Saļuva Narasimha; “So the Sultân-on bearing the news, in the month of Ramaşan in the above mentioned year (November A.D. 1480) ordered his army to be assembled ; and marching with it towards The Kingdom of Vijayanagar, in due time arrived in the neighbourhood of the fortross of Kondåvir, and encamping there, completely surrounded it10"
* This is one of the instances of the use of artillery in India before the first invasion of India by Babur. . Ind. Ant., vol. XXVIII, p. 288.
10 Ibid., p. 289.