JUNE, 1922)
At that time the greatest friendship existed between Shah Mîr and Sayyid Murtaza, and Sayyid Murtaza therefore, in order to set Shâh Mir's mind at rest, formally renewed the agreements and covenants between them, calling up the principal amírs, such as Jamshid Khân, Khudavand Khân, Bahri Khân, Bihzad-ul-Mulk, and others, in order that they might associate themselves with him in an undertaking to listen to nothing from the enemy that might tend to prejudice them against their Qutb Shâhî allies, always to deal with these allies in a spirit of friendliness and courtesy, and in no manner to inflict any damage on them.
When Sayyid Shah Mir's mind had been set at rest by this agreement he unfolded the news which he had to tell, of the death of Ibråhim Qutb Shah and the accession of his son, Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah. The amirs all with one accord avowed their intention to abide by their former convenant and that into which they had just entered It was then decided that Mirak Mu'în Sabzavári, one of the most ready witted men of the age, should be sent to Golconda on the part of Sayyid Murtaza and that Khyaja Muhammad Samnânî should accompany him in behalf of Shâh Mir for the purpose of offering condolences, on the death of the late, and congratulations on the accession of the new king, and that Sayyid Shah Mir should, in a short time, himself return to Golconda and use his best endeavours to induce Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah to join the army in the field. Mirak Mu'in and Khyâja Muhammad then went to Golconda and, having been received by Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, discharged the mission on which they had been sent, and then Sayyid Shâh Mir returned to Golconda. Muḥammad Quli Qutb Shâh came forth from the city with all his troops and elephants to receive the Sayyid, and the Sultan, in consideration both of his Sayyidship and of his former services, honoured him by alighting from his horse and embracing him. After they had entered the city the king invested Shah Mir with a special robe of honour and entrusted him with all the whole administration of the kingdom.
Savvid Shah Mir then convinced the king that it was necessary in the interests of the kingdom, that he should take the field with his army and join the Nizam Shahi army, and Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, acting on this advice marched from Goloonds at the head of "his army to join the Nizâm Shâhî army.
When the army of Golconda approached the camp of the army of Ahmadnagar the amir-ul-umard and all the vazirs and amirs came forth to meet the king, and were honoured by being permitted to pay their respects to him. The next day the two arinies marched towards Naldrug.
(To be continued.)
MISCELLANEA. LOST HISTORICAL PAPERS RELATING TO of rebela, Lieut. Tulloch came upon the family CEYLON,
of the "Aroh Rebel" Koppitipola " in a jungle PREFATORY NOTE.
near Narangammo" on 16 October, 1818. His (This is roprinted from the Ceylon Antiquary, Vol.
mother, wifo,' two sons, and a brother were taken VII, P. I, p. 44, in the hope that some reader of with the baggage" of Keppitipola, who was himselt the Indian Antiquary may be able to help in the taken and executed a month later. In the baggage Neovory of the valuable lost papers.--ED.) weresovoral carious papers," among them CURIOUS PAPERS.
1. "Th Treaty of Alliance proposed by Mr. BY S. G. P.
Robert Andrews to the King of Kandy. - During the Uva Rebellion of 1817-18, when the British troops were scouring the country in pursuit. l. 2. A lotter from the xrench Admiral Huftrein, and