[AtougT, 1920
saying that such a display of force would scare ... The carnage in the Bijapuri army was teraway Shiva from the interview, and that the Khan rible.... 3,000 men were killed according to the should, therefore, take with himself only two report that reached the English factory at Rajapur bodyguarde, exactly as Shiva had done. So, he a few days later .... A grand review was held left his troops some distance behind and mado by Shivaji below Pratapgarh" (pp.7982). his way up the hillpath in a palki, accompanied | What is the impression caused by such a story! by two soldiere and a famous swordsman Demed What can the only impression be! Here we have Sayyid Banda, as well as the two Biahman envoys, I two unscrupulons for such capable of any act to Gopinath and Krishnaji. Arrived in the tent, gain the objeot in viowin this case the other's Afzal Khan angrily remarked on its princely furni.
destruction, whether by crafty diplomacy or direct ture and decorations as far above the proper style murder. The most astute won. It reminds ono of a jagirdar's son. But Gopinath soothed him of the answer given by a millionaire when asked by saying that all these rich thinge would soon go
how he managed to amass his fortune in the face to the Bijapur palace as the first fruite of Shiva's
of so many sble opponents 'I suppose I was submission.
the best business man.' This view is not only in "Messengers were sent to hurry up Shiva, who
accordance with the facts stated, but also in accord was waiting below the fort. He advanced slowly,
with the medieval spirit of the time and place then halted on seeing Sayyid Banda, and sent
in which they lived, and of the condition in which to demand that the man should be removed from
they both had attained their high position in life. the tent. This was done, and at last Shivaji
For the crowning act of the tragedy—the meeting entered the pavilion. On each side four men were
with Afzal Khan-Mr. Sarkar's authorities are present, the principal, two armed retainers and
the fundamental Sabhasad Bakhar of 1694 and the en onvoy. But Shiva wag seemingly unarmed,
three unreliable accounts above mentioned : the like & rebel who had come to surrender, while the
Tarikh-i-Shivaji, & Persian Ms., "the work of a Khan had his sword by his side. "The attendant stood below. Shiva mounted
Hindu based on Maratha tradition" (p. 605), i.e.,
on the same Maratha source as the Shiva-digvijay, the raised platform and bowed to Afzal. The Khan rose from his sest, advanced a few stepe,
and so of doubtful value; Mirza Muhammad Kazim's and opened hie arms to receive Shiva in his
Alamgir-namah; Bhimsen Burhanpuri's Nuakha.
-Difkasha ; Khafi Khan's Muntakhab-14-Lubab : embrace. The short slim Maratha only came up to the shoulders of his opponent. Suddenly
Rajapur Factory Records, of the highest value for Afzal tightened his clasp, and held Shiva's neck
the facts they state, Eryer; the Powadas, Marathi in his left arm with an iron grip, while with his
ballads, collected by H. A. Acworth and S. T. right hand he drew his long straight-bladed dagger
Shaligram, 2nd (really 3rd) ed., 1911, "mostly And struok at the side of Shiva. The hidden armour
legendary and of a much later date than Shivaji's rendered the blow harmless. Shiva groaned in
life-time. The Afzal Khan ballad is.probably the agony as he felt himself being strangled. But in
oldest, and belonged to Shambhuji's reign : touches a moment he recovered from the surprise, passed
only two incidents of Shivaji's life" (p. 503). his left arm round the Khan's waist and tore his
It will be seen therefore that Mr. Sarkar has bowels open with a blow of the steel claws. Then
again gone impartially to the best, as well as with the right hand he drove the bichwa into Afzal's
to the unreliable sources available on both side. The wounded man relaxed his hold, and
sides-Marathi and Muhammadan. Shivaji wrested himself free, jumped down from the I have now & suggestion to make to Mr. Sarkar. platform, and ran towards his own men outside. These two acta by which Shivaji commenced his
"The Khan cried out, Treachery! Murder ! great career as a ruler of men, and the circum. Help 1 Help! The attendanta ran up from both stanoes leading up to and attending them, are so sides. Bayyid Bands faced Shiva with his long important that it is worth while to collate them and straight sword and cut his turban in twain, making relate them in full ; and since he is able to approach & deep dint in the steel cap beneath. Shiva quick- the subject with the necesrary detachment, has ly took a rapier from Jiv Mahala and began to access to the best information and the linguistic party. But Jiv Mahals came round with his other knowledge and capacity to use them, I hope he sword, hacked off the right arm of the Sayyid, and will undertake the task. The pages of this Journal then killed him.
will always be open to him for the purpose and auch "Meanwhile the bearers had placed the wounded resources as I possess for verifying facts and Khan in his palki, and started for his camp. But statements will be placed at his disposal. Shambaji Kavji slashod at their legs, made them 1 I must add that the book has no index, which is drop the palki, and then cut off Afzal's head, which . serious defect in a work of research and partihe carried in triumph to Shiva."
cularly annoying to the present writer, as he has The story is continued thus: "Freed from shortly to deal with the MB. of an Englishman's danger, Shivaji and his two comrades then mado wanderinge in India covering Rajapur in Shivaji's their way to the mummit of Pratapgarh, and fired time. Ms. Sarkar's rolerences will therefore be cl
cannon. This was the signal for which hie troops value to him, but they will not be ebay to use wore waiting in their ambah in the valleye below