JANUARY, 1920]
Letter from Thomas Pattle 86 to the Council at Surat, dated Carwar, 22 September 1697. Honble Sir,
"These are to aoquaint you what lately happened here. The 3rd instant came into this Cove Captain William Kidd in the Adventure Galley. He has on board 140 well men and 36 guns. Tis the same man-of-war that the Honble. Company's ships 87 met coming out. He says he hath been at the Mohelas, 88 Madagascar and several other places to look for pirates, but yet hath not met with any, and now is come on the Coast for the same purpose. Since which came to the Factory two of his men, who inform us they have taken an English vessel off of Bombay and that they have got the Commander89 on board & prisoner. They took out of her about 100 lbs. of gold, some rice and raisins. They're [sic] going to Mocho was with full intent to take the Surat ships, had not the Convoys prevented them. They intend to take Abdull Gophore's 90 ship, either in the Cove or watch for her as she goes out. If they do 'twill cause abundance of trouble with the Muhammadan Government].
The men say the ship is very leaky and rotten, so that they intend to take for their use the first good ship they meet with. We believe he intende to lie off here and watch for Abdull Gophore's ship. He sailed hence the 13th instant without doing any harm, neither did we let him know we were come to the knowledge of his evil actions, for fear when he found himself discovered, [he) should do as bad here. We several times sent Captains Perrino1 and Mason on board of him to pry into what they had done and what intended for the future to do, who we must needs say proved very faithful and true to us. They 99 could never come to a sight of Thomas Parker, being kept close prisoner in hold, nor certainly know where they intend to go, sometimes talking of one way, sometimes of another, but yet we very much fear he will cruize off this place to meet with Abdull Gophore's ship. We are informed at St. Mary's [Madagascar) is settled abundance of these villainous people with their families, and are yearly supplied from New York with all sorts of Liquors, Provisions and Stores, so that when any ship wants men they go thither and get as many as they please.
He showed his Commission under the Broad Seal of England to Captains Perrin and Mason, wherein he has liberty to range all seas and destroy pirates wherever ho meets them. The Captain is very severe and cruel to his people, which causes them to be much disaffected to him. They attempted Captain Mason to take the command of, the ship, which he honestly refused. They are a very distracted Company, continually quarrelling and fighting among themselves, so that it is likely in a short time they may destroy one another, neither have they provisions on board to keep the sea a month.
Three of the men run to Goa and acquainted the Viceroy that there was a pirate in Carwar Road, upon which he presently fitted out two ships full of men, one 44 guns and the
B6 Chief of the Company's factory at Carwar (Karwar).
87 The Sidney and Essex. 88 The Comoro Islands, one of which is called Mohilla.--ED.
89 Captain Parker. See below. Capt. Parker commanded a Muhammadan ship and was taken between the Red Sos and Carwar. State Trials, XIV, 155.
• Abdu'l-Ghafar, a very wealthy Indian merchant. Capt. Charles Perrin of the Thankfull.
In the State Triala, XIV, 165, it is stated that Harvey and Mason at Carwar tried to get Parker released.