MARCH, 1916)
Asâ mansûba kela Kamâni sâhibâne. Jaså gái madhyen vyaghra shirto, tase âle
Khije Râv. Ingrajáni tal codile pahila Shirpur gâona.
Such was Cumming Sahib's plan. But like & tiger among cows, Khájia Ray
rushed on them, And the English left the camp and went to
Tek :
Dhuman Nayaku potin janamle sawải Khâje Thus did Khâjia Râv, son of Dhuman Naik
Rav Ingrajáshi gheûn la lhâi chau deshîn kele Gain a name throughout the world by nÂv
fighting the English
Rahichyà Talyâ var phaujâ padlyê jâûna. The troops were encamped on tho Rahi
Tank. Mogar nadi utrûn gelê ghyâ tumhin aikûna, Then they crossed the Mogar river, Bhavânyâ chyâ Talyä varti hotî, koge jâna. And assembled on the bank of the Bhavani
Tank. kilaaki varata mukam dere dile khájiâna. Khájih came and pitched his camp at Kha
daki Village, Sadakechi bez anli hoti shipayana :
There a sepoy reported to him that a force
was on the way: Ingrajachyå yeto khajina ubhya sadakana. And that English money was coming by the
high-road. Ingrejacha yeto khajana ubhyâ sadkånn. (There he heard) that English money was
coming by the high-road. Karûn kuchyavár kûch sadakarar gelå Making foroeld marches, he reached the chalûna.
road. Ubhya naliyâchâ růsta dharila Barsi Birch Sahib, meanwhile, came down the Sahiâna,
water-coarse, gâmniya naliyâvar saak basala rokhana. And took up a position on the Jamnia
Stream. Cosavi Niik, Chain Sinh, ale milûna. The Gosavi Naik, Chain Sivh, now joineil
(Khajiâ). Ingrajâchâ yeto Khajina ubhya sapkhana, As soon as the English treasure reached
the road, Sahibâchá khajîna Khájiâna nelâ lutâna : Kh@jiâ fell upon it and plundered it, Ingrej kavitas mansûba basûna
While the English were still making plans.
Tek :
Dhuman Nayaka potîn janamle sawâi Khaje Thus did Khâjiê Râv, son of Dhuman Naik
Rav Ingrajâshi gheûn lachâi chau deshin kele Gain a name throughout the world by mây
fighting the English
Teohân Kamani Sahib Barsi Sahib Ale
nilûna; Shirpur Shaharavarti padav ghatâla tyâni. Khájia Nayakâsi dharûn mansaba kelâ
Sâhibâna. Nályacha rasta dharila Barsi Sahibana, Khájiachya baiakânchâ mel gelê gavasûna,
Then Cumming Sahib and Birch Sahib met, And pitched camp at Shîrpûr town. And here the Sahibs determined to catch
Khâjia Naik. Then Birch Sahib descended by the stream, And seizing Khajil's wives, whom he found,