Inscription, the Manglânâ stone of Jayatra
85, ff.
simha Inscriptions, Gupta 2, 3; 214, ff.; Asoka 13, f; Venad 21, ff.; of S. India 90; f.; Girnår 126, 207; Chôla, etc. 145; in Cambodia 156; Nasik Cave 165, f.; of Asokavalla 167, ff.; Sahasrâm etc. 170, ff.; a new Kshatrapa 173; of Durgaraja, in Ajmer 182, f.; Chitor etc. 196; in Dhod temple 209, ff.; E. Chalukya 217, ff.; 226, f.; Sravana Belgola 231, f.; Mysore etc. 233; at Mankuwar 244; and the word 'Bhagavata' 272; and the Ajtvikas Iranians, and the Planets
Irungové dynasty isha, food
Italy, and the Aryans
Jetavana o.
Jhâmpadi, goddess
Jagannatha, rhetorician, and Alamkåra literature 206, 208 Jaina, faith, and the Ajivikas 88-90, 286, ff, 296; and Caste 135; and Buddhism 231; temples, grants to 203; Prakrits, grammar of 249; shrines
G. F. 45 85, f. 86
4 G. F. 41
Jaitrasimha, Jayatrasimha Jajaya, named in Manglânâ inscrip. Jalalu'ddin, title of Akbar I... jalotsava, water festival janas and jati
jangades, temple guards... jati, caste...
130 ... 241 and n., 242 129, f. Jațilavarman, inscrip. of 23 Jayachandra, Rathor of Kahauj ... 209 Jayadeva, author of the Gita Govinda 20 Jayadeva, reputed founder of Ajmer ... 183 Jayangonda-Chôla, surname of two kings... 23 Jayantabhaṭṭa, author of the Tattvachandra 250 Jayasimba, Chalukya k., and Bhoja the
201 Jayatrasimha, his Manglânâ stone inscrip, 85, ff. Jaynarayan, Bengali author ... ... 300 39 G. F. 51
286, 289
... 149 ... 47 ... 138
Jinamandana, writer, on Kumarapala Jinendrabuddhi, and Bhâmaha Jogini, c. Delhi
196 234; 246 85
Jones, Sir Wm., and Hindu music ...157, 195, ff. Jumna, Yamuna, riv. G. F. 37, 38, 43 Jyotisham-Ayana, year with intercalary
Jyotishtôma, the Gavâm-Ayana 77, 83, 117, ff. Kachharis of Kachhar, Hindu tribe... Kadab grant of Govinda III Kadambari, by P. V. Kane, book-notice Kadaram, captured by Rajendrachôla II. Kailasa, mt,
76 200 ...244 226, f. G. F. 45 99 ... 166
Kaivaa, Sani, planet, temple of
Kakhadi, Aparakakhaḍi Kalachuri, princes of Chedi 142; or Kalacuris of Mabakopala, Haihayas of Ratnapura, coins of
210, f. G. F. 70, 71
Kal-bhairav, g; legend of Kalakacharya, probably the famous Jaina teacher, and the Ajivikas Kalidasa, and Kamandaki
286, ff., 296 156
Kalidasa and the Hanas of the Oxus Valley 265, ff. Kalidasa, on music 158, f.; and Alamkara literature 207, f.; and Sankaracharya, solicisms of 214; date of...
Kalika hill, near Girnår
Kalinga, and the Aryanised Dravidas Kallinatha, commentator 163, 164 and n.; on music
kalpa vriksha, magic tree
262 n. G. F. 46 Kalyana, K, of Antarvedi, patron of Krishna Sesha 252 & n. 252 222 n. G. F. 63 156
Kamalakara, Sesha, commentator Kamalâlaya, Sk., Tiruvarur...
kâman, an evil art
Kamandaki and Kalidasa Kanarese practice of using place names as
Kanarese co., and Buddhism... Kanchanadevi, wife of Armorija K&fichi and Karikala 146; and Râmânuja 227; Dravida cap. 229; or Koil Kanêt tribe Kaphahii, vil. in the Nasik cave inscrip., and the modern Kavņai Kanyakumari, tn., inscrip. from Kapila, sage Karikala and His Times Karnatik system of music karsha, measure of one tola ... Kartikey, g. Kasatia, g.
Kâshi, Kashipuri, Benares Kashmir, home of Vallabha Kasi, tn., and Râmesvara Kasi Bâm, author
216 G. F. 46 ... 230
168 23 G. F. 37 144, ff. 157 .. 85 G. F. 50 G. F. 48
G. F. 38, 70
... 266
72 89 196
... 231 180,f
*** 299