(8) R. C. M., III, 19, 7=B, III, 28, 25 (C wanting). See parallel No. 43;
(9) R. C. M., III, 19, 11" = B, III, 23, 45 (C wanting). See parallel No. 44;
(10) R. C. M., III, 21, 1= B, III, 30, ss (O wanting). See parallel No. 45;
(11) R. C. M., III, 22, 40=B, III, 31, 25-25 (C wanting). See parallel No. 46;
(12) R. C. M., III, 22, 25-30 =B, III, 31, 46-47 (C wanting).
See parallel No. 48;
(13) In the R. C. M., the Aranyakanda ends at the same point as in B. (The sarga which B considers as the last of the Aranyakanda is included by C in the Kishkin dhakanda.)
3: T. D. follows O.
(1) In the R. C. M., the Kishkindhakanda ends at the same point as in C, vis., after the deliberation on the leaping over the Ocean. (B includes this deliberation in the Sundarakanda);
(2) R. C. M., V, 1,9-8, 6-C, V., 1, 85-187 (B differing).
[Hanumat in his way through the sky meets firstly Mainâka, then Surasa, and lastly Simhika]. In B the order of succession is changed: Surasa, Mainâka, Simhika;
(3) R. C. M., V, 4= C, V, 3, 20-51 ((A), B wanting).
[Hanunit's meeting with Lanka (= Lankapurddhishthairidevatd) in C; with the Laukini rakshasi in the R. C. M.]13
(4) R. C. M., V, 26, 8" = R. C. M., V, 26, 4 R. C. M., V, 26, 8-9 =
in the R. C. M.J
See parallel No. 75.
(1) R. C. M., VI, 6-8
C, V, 54, 40 C, V, 54, 35-33 C, V, 54, 49
See parallel No. 67;
(5) R. C. M., V, 60, 5-6=C, VI, 22, 27-39 (B wanting).
[The Ocean prays Rama to shoot at the Drumakulya the arrow he has fitted to his bow and Râma complies with the request];
(6) R. C. M., VI, 18-C, VI, 40 ( (4), B wanting).
[Overthrowing of Ravana's crowns at the hands of Sagriva in the Ramayana, of Râma
R. C. M., VI, 14-16 R. C. M., VI, 36-37
(B wanting).
4: T. D. follows B.
B, VI, 33, 8-34 (C wanting).
[Mandodar! tries to persuade Ravana to give up fighting against Râma; but he answers by boasting of his own strength]. This scene is found only once in B, but is repeated three times in the R. Q. M.
(2) R. C. M., VI, 56-60 B, VI, 82 (C wanting).
[Hanumat goes to fetch the herb that will heal Lakshmana and meets on his way two obstacles: Bharata and Kâlanemi. This is according to B. Tulasi Dâsa on the whole keeps close to
18 Tulas! Dasa varies somewhat the episode, but does not alter it in its general lines. Brahma's prophesy is identical even in the expression both in the Ramacharitamânasa as well as in the Ramayana.