NOVEDMER, 1912.]
Tom: gold and silver ornaments. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 157.
Tumbi, tumbri: a small cucumber or gourd. Kumbri is an earthen pot, a small utensil in which ghi is generally kept. Simla Hills.
Tang: balcony. Sirmûr. Tunt: a tree (Morus alba). Karnal s. R., p. 9. Tos: chaff. Karpal S. R., 1872.80, p. 173. Tugri : the heads of the great millets, Karnál S. R., 1872-80, p. 173.
Ubaran : the ploughing after the seed of charri has been sown broadcast. Jullundur S. R., p. 124.
Ubatna: a mixture of barley flour. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 165. Ubha thai jana : to stand. Bauria argot. úd: a beavy wooden roller. Cf. girre. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 162. Uddar: an otter. Kangra Gloss. Udhai: white-ant. Bauria argot. Ugahi: collection of revenue. Karnal S. R., p. 110. Ugahna: to collect revenue. Karnal S. R., p. 110. Ughar: see hoghar.
Ugilan : the plough in which the boot and the curve of the hal are near each other. Jallandur S. R., p. 109.
Ujala : general withering up from any reason. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 180. Ujeh : above; see under bunh.
Ükhal: & mortar made of stone or wood in which grain is ground by a wooden staff called musal and its husk separated.
Undra : rat. Baurai argot. Upra hons : banjar land attached to a field. Hissar S. R., p. 25. Uprida ja na : to go up; see under bunh. Ur: see or Urhur: buckwheat (Cajanus bicolor). Cf. kundi and thingra. Urni: sheep. Bauria argot. Urni: a fish (Mugil corsula). Karnal S. R., p. 8. Urna : a lamb under six months of age ; nee under thed. Ôt: the man who dies withont a gon. Of. gyal. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 149. Ut na put jana : to die without a son, Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 149. Utar: unirrigated land. Kangra S. R. (Lyall), p. 32.
Utkaru : (1) fixed rent or assessment, generally used where it is paid partly in kind, partly in cash. Chakota is another word for the same thing. Kangra Gloss. (2). a tenant-at-will.
Vadunak: a tall red kind of wheat. Jullundar S. R., p. 125. Vahal: the bed of an old drainage channel. Ci, vdl and johal. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 12. val: the bed of an old drainage channel. Cf. vdhal and johal. Sirsa S, R., 1879-83, p. 12. vam: a noose made of manj rope. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 112.
Vand : an allotment (Nurpur); see bher : in Bara Bangabel = jeola. Kangra S. R., (Lyall), p. 32.
Vangat : see langat. Vikh : twenty. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 124.
Vil: a kind of rheumatism that is rarely fatal; the animal affected gets stiff and unable to walk. Cl. vildya. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 301.
Vila ya : a kind of rheumatism. Voti : wife = sudni, used by Rajputs; see lari, Wahna: tomorrow. Bauria argot.