OCTOBER, 1912.]
Sunki: the sticks of sani. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 189. Sunna : to hear, to listen.
Sura: a red lish insect preying on the inside leaf of the arrow of sugar-cane, and thus stopping all growth. Of. gaddi. Jullundur S. R., p. 119.
Surnali: wild convolvulus. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 17. Surnali: a variety of tobacco. Kartal S. R., 1872-80, p. 191.
Surta: 4 variety of sugar-cane, having a long, soft, thick, white cane; the best of all, but suidewhat delicate, and especially fancied by jackals. Cl. sotha. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 180.
Susi : s hare : see danti. Susra : father-in-law. Cf. khakhra. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 124. Susrår: the wife's father's family. Of. susrál.
Susral: the wife's father's family. Oi, susrar and sdsrå. Gurgaon S. R., 1872-80, App. V., p. 1.
satar: the villages on the border of the smaller stream. Hissar S. R., p. 18. Sila war : trousers = suthan: Sirmûr cis-Giri. Swant : wife= roti --used by Rajputs: see ldri.
Syang: literally knowing ones'; a class of men who exercise the gift of divination under the inspiration of sorge deity or other, generally a snake-god or Saiyad. Karnal 8. R., 1872-8, !. 145.
Tabar: a child. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 121. Tadia: an armlet. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 133. Tagada: jewelry, Ludbiâna S. R., 1878-83, p. 67.
Tagri: a waist string for fastening a small cloth between the legs. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, 1. 124.
Tagi: a waist band of silver chain, worn by boys. Karnal S. R., 1872-80. p. 125. Tahav: branch of a tree. Take: clothes, Ludhiana S. R., 1878-83, p. 150.
Takka: a unit of assessment, payment being made partly in cash and partly in kiad. uthâ: ? (Simla Hills.)
Takwa : a snako. Cf. harewa. Jullundur S. R., p. 12. Tal: a tarn or lake; dal is commoner. Kangra Gloss. Taluk: a sacred grove. Karnal S, R, 1872-80, p. 156. mali: upper storey: but in trang-Giri it means the house of an ordinary man, i... ghar. Talna: to pick out, as weeds, etc. Kangra Gloss. Tamand: piece of cloth worn round the loins. Of. sára. Hoshiarpur S. R., p. 42, Tamba bains: a variety of cobra snake. Jullundur S. R., p. 12. Tamsal: an open yard in a house. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 120. Tan bia: a cooking pot, of another kind Sirmûr trans-Giri. Tanda: a small strand. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 200. Tandan : ice or icicle. (Gadi). Tangar: the stalks of the gram plant. Jallundur S. R., p. 127. Tangli: a four-pronged fork. Hoshiarpur S.R., p. 72. Tantia : a wasp. Bauria argot.
Taola: a wooden bearing on which the chak (wheel) of the potter rests. Cf, khili, Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 200.
(To be continued.)