(JULY, 1912.
han, Sanskrit sam or san, Latin con meaning together," and Avestic jam, Sanskrit gam.
to go." So, literally, it means "a place where people go together or meet." The Parsees even now speak of their large communal meetings as the Anjuman (Haraja man) Meeting. 80, perhaps, the early Parsees themselves called their colony Hanjamans, or their Indian brethren, hearing them use this word for their large communal gatherings, named it Hanjamans for them.
(Continved from p. 155.) RAIri: black woollen thread, with a small iron ring and some yellow cloth and betel-nut tied round the left ankle of the boy after his first ban (a ceremonial oiling). Kartal S.R., 1872-80, p. 128.
Bakhol: a tree, useless save for fael ; its leates are also used as fodder. Simla 8. R., 1888, p. 43.
RAIS : thief, See lohri. Ramali: a variety of rice. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 184. BA mjamani: a variety of rice having hard fine grain. Karnal 8. R., 1872-80, p. 184. Rang: a great mountain range. Rangari : * good variety of rice. Kingra S. R., p. 26. Rangan : the rawan of the plains (Doliches sinersis.) Simla S. R., 1883, p. 41. Ramns; to plant out the raug, q. v.
Baughar: a disease in which the pain extends from the haunch to the heels on either side. Gurgaon.
Rao: a drainage line. Ludhiana S. R., 1878-88, p. 5. Raons : & soake (Bungarus fasciatus). Cl. gadel. Jullundur S. R., p. 12.
Rar: very dry and thirsty land; it generally has kanlar cropping up in it and bears gran and moth well in propitious years. Of. raur. Hoshiarpur S. R., "). 69.
Rara : the same as the maira land, but with a larger proportion of clay; gives wonderful crops with good rain, but is liable to fail in dry years. It is in fact, much the same as the rohi land. Cf, moti and pathialí. Hoshiarpur S. R., p. 70. .
Bara: a small and sweet mango fruit; in size like the fruit of the bahera. Hoshiarpur S. R.; p. 15 BAS: A string. Of. dämras. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 168. RAS: the heap of clean grain. Or, thapa and buhal, Karnal 8. R., 1872-80, p. 173. Rasan: an eartben vessel = kauri. Rasoe: a cook-house. Sirmûr. BAtha: a method of distributing the acou of the lana. Karnal S. R., p. 112, Ratru : second class rice. Hoshiarpur 8. Ratti: a red bean, Raun : place by a house where cattle are tied up. Raunj = nimbar. Raunjh: Prosopis spicigera. Gurgaon S. R., 1872-83, p. 12.
Raur: very dry and thirsty land; it generally has kankar cropping up in it and bears gran and moth well in propitious years. Cf.rar Hoshiarpur 8, R., P. 69.
Rauti: contr. chaubere. Bawaf: cave. Rawar or dawar=don or shetha : cave. Simla Bills. Re = rai: (alias Smithiana). Simla 8. R., 1888, p. 43. Reh (rai) : Pinus webbiana. P.D., p. 946. Kangra 8. R., p. 21. Balra or kaunts : tbe cones of the order and pines, Simla 8. R., 1888, p. 44.