[JUNE, 1912.
The authorship of this verse is attributed to the poet Rajasekhara. Probably this is the verse of the Saltimulet dvali referred to by Prof. Aufrecht in his Catalogus Catalogorum.
In the same preface, Pandit Durgaprasad cites the following verse of Mâyârâja from the Súltimuktávali :
गण्डूषाशोषिताब्धिप्रचुरजलधरोफालजातस्मितानां हेलाकृष्टार्कचन्द्राभिनवकृतमहाकुण्डलाभोगभाजाम् । पीनोरःस्थापिताशाहिरदमदमीमांसलस्थासकानां
सूरं यातस्य वत्स स्मरति दशशिरास्त्वच्छिशुक्रीडितानाम् ॥ From this and other verses found in the anthologies, the Pandit concludes that Mâyûrâja must have been the author of a drama with the story of the Rdmdyana for its plot. But he was not able to ascertain the name of the drama.
Now, realising the importance of the contribution made by this old poet to Sanskțit literature and attracted by the notable style of the poet found in anthologies, I greatly wished to find out the name of his work, and thus to bring to light this hidden portion of the treasure of Sanskrit literature. For this purpose I ransacked all the works on rhetorio, notably, Dasarúpávaloka Sarasvatikanthabharana, sahityadarpana, etc. In the course of my search I noted down the names.of all the Ramayana dramas. I give their names in the following table in alphabetical order Against the name of each drama, the name of the work in which it is referred to is also given,
Referred to in.
1 Anargharagbara 2 Uttararâmacharita
Udattaraghava ... Kundamåla
Krityârâvaņa 6 Chhalitarâma 7 Janakirághava ... 8 Nirdoshadabaratha (?) 9 Balarâmâyana ... 10. Mahårfracharita 11 Raghavabhyudaya
Ramabhinanda ... 18 Râmábbyudaya ... 14 Valiyadha
Så hityadarpaşa. ... Dasarūpâyaloka.
Do and Sahityadarpana. ... Så hityadarpana.
Do. Do. Dasarūpå valoka and Saras
vatikanthâbharana. Sahityadarpaņa. Sarasvatikaņghábharaṇa. . Sahityadarpaņa. Do. Dasar på valoka and Saras.
vatikanshâbharaṇa. Sahityadarpaņa.
Do. Do. Dasarūpå valoka and Dhyon
yaloka and Locbana. ... Sahityadarpaņa.
. See preface to Karparamañjart, p. 9 (Kavyamdia).