[APRIL, 1912.
dwelt in the vicinity of this temple; capital "The dome and image of the regent Tir? punishments were here inflicted, and the prison (Budba) was of blue stone ; his body that of a for criminals was also in that street.
fish, with a boar's face: the right arm black, “ The image of the world-enlightening solar the other white: on his head a crown : he had a regent was the largest of tbo idols; his dome
tail like that of a fish; in his right hand a pen, was built of gold plated bricks; the interior
and in the left an inkhorn. The eubstances inlaid with rubies, diamonds, cornelian and such
burnt in this temple were gum mastic and the
like. His ministers were clad in blue, wearing like. The image of the Great Light [&ftab]
on their fingers ringe of gold. At their feasts was formed of burnished gold, in the likeness
they served up acidulous viands, Vazirs, phi. of a man with two heads, on each of which was
losopbers, astrologers, physicians, farriers, ac'a precious crown set with rubies : and in euch
countants, revenue-collectors, ministere, secrediadem were seven sárin or peaks. He was
taries, merchants, architects, tailors, fiue writers seated on a powerful steed, his face resembling and such like, were stationed there, and through that of a man, but he had a drugon's tail; the agency of the directors of the temple, had in the right hand a rod of gold, & coller of access to the kiog: the knowledge requisite for diamonds around his neck. The ministers of Buch sciences and pursuits was also communicatthis teinple were dressed in yellow robes of gold
ed there. tissve, and a girdle set with rubies, diamonds,
"The temple of the regent MAh (Chandramas) and other solar stones: the fumigations consisted
was of a green stone; his image that of a man of sandalwood and such like: they generally
seated on a white ox; on his head a dindem in
the front of which were three peaks : on the Borved up arid viands. In his quarter were the
bands were bracelets, and collar round the families of kings and emperors, chiefs, men of
neck. In his right hand an amulet of rabies, might, nobles, chieftains, governors, rulers of
and in the left a branch of sweet basil: his countries, and men of science: visitors of this
ministers were clud in green and white, and woro description were introduced to the king by the ringe of silver. The substances burut before chiefs of the temple.
this image were gum arabic and such like druge. "The exterior of Nahid's® (Sakra's) temple llis attendants served up salted viands. Spies, was of white marble and the interior of crystal, ambassadors, couriers, news reporters, voyagers, the form of the idol was that of a red man, and the generality of travellers and such like wearing a seven-peakel crown on the bend : in fersons resided in his street, and were presented the right hand a flask of oil, and in the left a
to the king through the directors of the temple, comb: before himn was burnt saffron and such like:
Besides the peculiar ministers and attendants,
there were attached to each temple several royal his ministers were clad in fine white robes, and
commissioners and officers, engaged in the execuwore pearl-stud led crowns, and diamond rings
tion of the king's orders; and in such matters as on their fingers. Men were not perinitted to
were connected witi the image of that temple. enter this temple at night. Matrons and their
In the Khuzistar or "refectory" of each temple, daughters performed the necessary offices and
the board was spread the whole day with variservice, except on the night of the kiag's going ous kinds of viands and beverages always ready. there, as then no females approached, but men No one was repulsed, so that whoever chose only hud access to it. Here the ministering partook of them. In like manner, in the quar. attendants served up rich viands. Ladies of the ter adjacent to each temple, was an hospital, highest rank, practising austerities, worshippers where the sick under the idol's protection were of God, belonging to the place ou who came from
attended by the physician of that hospital.
Thus there were also places provided for travela distance, goldsmiths, painters, and musicians
lers, who on their arrival in the city, repaired dwelt around this temple, through the chiefs
to the quarter appropriated to the temple to and directors of which they were presentod to
which they belonged." ! the king: but the women and ladies of rank were
The Sipasians are represented as an early introdnced to the queen by the female direc. Persian sect, styled also Yuza dian, Abadian, tresses of the temple.
Husbf&n, Anushkar, Azarhöshangian and Azarian.
• The figare representa Surya, Pors. Aftab, with two taila, and his foot like a claw; the horse has the usual tail. • Nabt appears also under the name of Forehongtram.
Tir, also Temiram, Pers, 'Utdrid. • Shea and Troyer's translation, Vol. i. Pp. 36-41.