FEBRUARY, 1907.)
& pleated over-gown and a yabae *), with a flowered edging, a waistband of shawl-stuff, and a pair of shawls from Tūs.
At this point four nasaqchis appeared and made some statement in the Tarki language. The Shāh's face fushed red, and he said in Persian : * Send for Jabãn Khān." To Jahản Khān be said: “Take Najib Khān with you and march this very instant. Move into the boundaries of the * accursed Jāt, and in every town and district held by him slay and plunder. The city of Mathură is "a holy place of the Hindus, and I have heard that Suraj Mall is tbere ; let it be put entirely to the "edge of the sword. To the best of your power leave nothing in that kingdom and country. Up "to Akbarābād leave not a single place standing."
Jabản Khān made his obeisance and marched off the same day. Then he (the Shah) directed the nasaqchis to convey a general order to the army to plunder and slay at every place they reached. Any booty they acquired was made a free grant to them. Any person cutting off and bringing in heads of infidels should throw them down before the tent of the chief minister, wherewith to build a high tower. An account would be drawn up and five rupees per head would be paid them from the government fonds. The next day the march for the territories of the Jät began.
To the Mir Sahib the Shāh said: “Sayyid, I have come as an upholder of Islām. The "accursed generation of Marhattahs, how can they withstand me? I will sweep their very " name out of this country. In my heart is a firm resolve to pursue them into the Dakhin regions. "So long as you are with the army, come daily to make your bow without fail." Out of those gold coins he picked up ten and presented them to the Mir şāḥib, saying: "I present you with these by way of ulash (table money ?)," and then in the kindliest way gave him leave to go.
(To be continued.)
MISCELLANEA. FUBTHEB TRACES OF TOT EMISM IN THE religious observances. Their origin is said to be PANJAB
that a child was born near the Indus, close to Tes following instances of clans or sections,
a kahi weed. They are quite distinct from the both among Hindus and Muhammadans, which polygamous Kahals, who live on crocodiles, &c. bear totemistic names supplement those already
Labana or Lobank. - It is tempting to derive published ante, Vol. XXXII. p. 201, 812 ff. this name from Ian (salt), and I think it means Personally I am by no means convinced that trader in grain, but labana is also an earth totemiam can be said to exist in the Panjab
cricket, with arieket. with formidable
formidable jaws, and, in the
inwe' or North-West Frontier Province, since there South-West of the Pañjab, people whose children is clearly no organised tribal system based on
have pimples, pâni-watra, tied a labana (or panf. totemiam and most of the instances collected areatrd. As the insect also seems to be called ) explicable as tabus based on verbal resemblances,
round their necks, believing that a cure will or as nicknames.
result. It is said of the Labånds that a son Khagga. - From khagga, a kind of fish, 80 was born to a Ráthor Rajput with moustaches, called because their ancestor Jalalu'd-Din and so he was nicknamed Labånå, after the Khaggl saved a boat-load of people from
insect. drowning. Like the Bodlås, the Khaggas can Sunars. - Among the Mair Bunars, four cure bydrophobia by blowing.
sections merit notice:Kahal. - From kahi or kahil, a weed. This Bagga. - The Baggå section claims descent tribe is found in Bahawalpur, and is an offshoot from R&ô Ohhabitâ of Delhi, whose complexion of the religious tribe of the Chishtis, with whom was baggd, which means 'white' in Pañjābi, they still intermarry. They are fervent in and hence their name.