Narmada (Reva), goddess in the Navasahasankacharita
narôl pújú, secret ceremony
náru khulát, a marriage custom Narsingh, g. Narwarkot
nasaqchis, armed messengers Nashudi, on the Pabar riv. Nasik cave inscription Nasket, a work...
Nat, a spirit among the Chins... Nathu, a Chuhra name... Naushera, tn., in Chuhra legend. 79 f., 82 f.; 106, 109 379
navagraha homa, a ceremony connected with the planets Navasâhasanka, Sindhuraja ... 150 and n.;
151 and n.; 153 and n; 154 ff.; 165, 169 ff. Navasahasdikacharita of Padmagupta or Parimala, by the late Prof. G. Bühler and Dr. Th. Zachariae. I.-The Manuscript, 149. II. The Author, his time and work, 150. III. Quotations from, 151 f. IV.The Navasahasánkacharita, 153. V.Analysis of the Poem, 154 ff. VI.-Historical Events from it, 159 ff.; genealogical tree of the Paramara kings of Dhårå and Ujjain, 165; details concerning them ...166 ff Nazareth, visited by R. Bell... 177 and n., 178 Nâzir or Seeer, an official ... 125 and n. 37
Nêôg, in the Himalayas New Year's Day, ceremony at Nyemo, 88; among the Pañjâb Hill Tribes Ngag-dbang-rgya-mthso, a Lama, contem
porary of k. Sengge-rnam-rgyal ngapi, pickled fish
mNgaris, ancient name of W. Tibet... Niazis, a tribe
Nicobarese languages
Norâtri, festival.. Norham harpoon Notâre, in Garhwal
nidhána, a receptacle Nigalos, Pañjab Hill sect Nigliva inscription
Nikala, near Lahore Nilab, home of the Gakkhars... Ninduna, a pargana
Nineveh, or Neneveigh, visited by R. Bell,
154 ff. 298 283 298, 300 75 16 f.; 46 ff.; 50 f.
284 207 ff.
181 ff.; 217 ff; 317 ff., 353 ff. 119 311 *** 119
Nirandar Chandar, Raja of Kângra... Nirmand copper-plate inscription Nissowânâs, sub-division of the Rihians. Nor-'adzin, a princess of Ladakh Norâtâs, festivals
86 210, 215
94 9
129 f. 268 349 n. 3 and n.
87 ... 301 302 5-4 ... 261
Notes on the Chins of Burma, by the Revd. G. Whitehead.-Religion, 204 f.; Tribal System, 206; Propitiatory Ceremonies, 207; Spirits, 208; Cosmology, Witches, Law, 209; Manner of Life, Tattooing, 210; Burmese Influence, 211; Customs-Marriage, 212 f.; Burial... 214 f. Notes on Ancient Administrative Terms and Titles in the Panjab, by H. A. Rose. 348 ft. Nrisimha, Narasa, son of Iávara 352 Numeral co-efficients, Nicobarese, 333; nu
Nunnery ruins at Nyemo Nurâbâd, S. of Agrah, contains the tomb of Ganna Begam... ...44 n. Nur-ul-hasan Khan, Sayyid, of Bilgram ... 68 Nusrat, a Khokhar chief, 3, defeated by Timûr; 6 and n. Nya-khri-btsanpo, a Lord of the earth' 86 Nyemo, in W. Tibet, inscriptions at... 85 ff.; 97 Nyima-rnam-rgyal, k. of Ladakh 86, 92 Nyurla (sNyungla) in W. Tibet, votive tablet.
Oaths, among the Chubras, 19; the Panjab Hill Tribes
308 Obamamba, wife of Nrisimha ... 352 Occupations, Chubra, 20; of the Pañjab Hill
372 f. ... 351
odhrú, high official .Oeiros, bay of, probably Bay Wagers. 174 and n. ok-mi, skilled Chin teacher ... 208 Omens, among the Chubras, 19; the Pañjáb Hill Tribes /806 f. Onge-Järawa, Outer Andamanese Tribes, 217, 220; languages, 239 ff.; 243 f.; vocabularies 246 ff. Ootacamund ... 83 opium, among the Panjab Hill Tribes. 274, 315 Oram Zebb, Magull 125, 132 Orang-bukit, wild Malays 918 Orang-utan, wild Malays 318 Ormous, Ormuz... ... 102 and n.; 109 and n. Ornaments, among the Pañjab Hill Tribes... 372 ox or nåd, worshipped ... 304 Oxinden, Sir George, Oxenall, President of Suratt, 1662-69
... 101 and n.; 103 n.
361 ff. 88
Pabar, riv. Pabâsi, g....
... 252 255, 259 f.; 261 and n. Paço d'Arcos, Passe Darkas, tn. near Lisbon, 174 and n. Padmagupta or Parimala, author of the Navasahasankacharita Padmasimha, other forms
149 ff.
... 167