Debora, vil, in Palestine 178 Deccan, home of the Sårsut Brahmans, 266 f., 270 bDechen-bZodpa, Tibetan copyist 93 Deities of the Pañjab Hill Tribes 278 (n)Deks'an'put, spirit of the ground-Chin, bDeldan, k. of Leh, votive tablet to... bDe-ldan-rnam-rgyal, prince of Ladakh, 87; k. 97
¿De-legs, prince or k. of Leh Delhi and the Khôkhars, 5 f., 8, 37; or Dihlt, and 'Imâd-ul-mulk, 43, 44 and n., 45 f., 49, 66, 70, 73, 75, 107, 109; conquered by Shahâ-bu'd-din Ghôri, 266, 267, 270 Delmerick's, Mr. J. G., History of the Gakk'hars Deobalpur, modern Dipalpur, Debålpur Déo Chand, a tíká of Jungå, 34; cult of 36 Dêo Lari, mother, goddess 255 f. Dêo Mata temple-Bari of Kongo 256 33 ff., 43, 253 ff. dééa, mandala, q. v. 348 n. bDe-skyong-rnam-rgyal, k. of Ladakh, hymn
1 ... 5 n.
Dharavarsha, a Paramara Dharêch, a hill pargand dharma, ritual
86 ... 108
to Dôvâlli, festival Dev Banar, Dev-ka-Khâtal, in the Himalayas, 258 Devi, goddess in Ratêsh, Kêonthal...35, 38; 298; 300 35 298
Devi Dhar dévt-dwâld, a temple Devi Târâ, of Tarab, family god of the Kêonthal Rajas 33, 39 f. Dew, Deu, for Diu 101 and n., 102 Dhâdi tribe 271, 314, 373 Dhagânâ, Story of, Chuhra legend Dhagi tribe
73 £f. 370 dhák tree ... 52 Dhaki tribe 271, 273. Dhanamjaya, author of the Dasarapa, patronised by Våkpatirája II
Dhandhuka, a Paramâra
169 Dhanapala, author of the Paiyalachchhi, contemporary of Padmagupta ... ...150 n.; 169 166 137 168 f.
Dharto, g.
dhaylar (Panjabi)= palace ... Dhaula, g....
Dhawar in the Himalayas Dheri Shahân, ancient Taxila... Dholka, tn. in Gujarat...
Dhanesar, tn.
Dhanika, 152; mentions Vakpatirâja... Dhankar, vil. in the Pañjab ... Dhânûn, from dhán, rice, a tíka of Jungå, 34; 37 Dhar, vil. in the Himalayas 43 Dhârâ, tn., 155; Kulargadhani, 155 and n.; 159; 165, 166 and n., 169 166 33 ... 376 n., 377, 383 35 3 and n. 261
dhori bride's value Dhamaraja, a Paramara dhúnd, fire dháp, incense
Dhara, a tika of Junga, 34; cult of... Dibalpur, the ancient Deobalpur and modern Dipalpur 5 and n., 7 f. 58
... 171
Dig, fort attacked by Aḥmad Shah digvijayayatra, march of conquest ... Dilipa, an ancestor of Rama dings, stick used at adoption ceremony Dinkot, tn. on the Indus
... 164 ... 281 Dipalpur, Dibalpur, q. v. 5 and n., 7 f. Diu, Dew, Dio, attacked by the Arabs 1668 or 1669... 101 and n., 102 divorce among the Pañjab Hill Tribes. 277 1. Diwali, festival 43, 302 Diwan Rap Lal Bôhrå, minister of Kangra... 268 Dôdra, vil. in the Himalayas 85 f. Dogras in Tibet, 85, 91, 93; fort of... 148 Dóll, dal, split peas, old Anglo-Indian term, 252 Dollers, Dutch coin 178 f. Domkhar in W. Tibet, tablet at 92 Donde Khân, founder of Bisaulf ... 15, 66 f. Dowd Caune, Dâad Khân Qureshi, q. v.
100 and n., 174
Dowie, dagger or sword ... 54 Dragspa'abum, k. of Ladakh ... 85 Drås, in W. Tibet, images at ...97 f. dreams among the Chuhras, 20; the Pañjáb Hill Tribes
Druvabhata, a Paramára k..
dúb, turf... Dudhiárú, milk collector
Duḥshyata, k., husband of Sakuntala Dam, a tkd of Jung&, 34; cult of Dům, g.
Dam or Khumali, the panchayat dumbah, fat-tailed sheep durbial or drubiyál, see ugráká Durga, goddess...
... 17 ... 351 40, 253
durj, a casket
59 167 n.
Durlabha of Anhilvåd Durrani the pearl wearers, slaves of Aḥmad Shah... Durr-i-Durrant Pearl of Pearls, title of Aḥmad Shah, 63 and n.; or Durrant 70 dúshna, a cow's death... 21 dût-bhút, evil spirits 349 n. Dvaraka, in Gujarat, home of Krishna, 377 380, 382 Dvydárayakosha, a work by Hemachandra... 172 . Dwapar Yug...
99 42, 296 36
309 166 ... 281
... 851 ... 165 www 37
... 261
... 273
East Indies, Travels of R. Bell in g. v.,
98 ff., 125 ff., 173 f. edolius, a bird venerated by the Chins