NOVEMBER, 1907.)
less the
Example linhen d ingareshemaltai 2. nēe hat! ôt took ta t ain to-day all-absent village this notis "toddy c. i. r. fermented (there is no fermented toddy at all in this village to-day). Groups of Ideas Round a Word Differentiated by Radical Affixes.
Word: la, a portion; then l-inn-s, less..
Buffixes Employed.) linna-ngashel ,
less than linna-ngayan , linna-hala
less than a height; a distance northwards): linna-hashe
less than (a shortness; a distance westwards) linna-haiñe
less than (anparness; a distance to landing-place) linna-hanga
less than (a distance southwards) linna-hahat
less than (a distance pastwards)
Examples. ohinònga
"Lãi ten chia he less
I (he is not so tall as I am). an linna-ngayan
t en
men he less
to you (he is not so strong as you are).
r. - Differentiating Radical Suffixos of Direction. When one comes to consider the suffixes of predicators (verbs), we find the principle of differentiating and grouping connected words by radical stfixes carried to an extraordinary extent. Thus, there are sets of suffixes attached to roots or stems indioating motion, which give them a special force, though, when attached, as thøy frequently are, to other roots or stems, they have no particular force traceable now, whatever might have been possible once. Differentiating Radioal Suffixes of Direction attached to Boots and
Stems Indicating Motion, hals : lare! 'le la al northwards, upwards, out of. harga ngarenge nga ang south wapda, from self. habat parehe hat hat eastwards, inwards. hashe g hite sho she ich "westwards, downwards. baitie hire' Behoain" 'towards the landing place, outwards, away. hata t are te ta at towards any direction on same lead, towards
self, this As the differentiating radical suffixes, of direction. play an important part in Nicobarese speech, some examples are given here........ .. ..
... Baot: 0, 89.
. .. go north
o - lego up (ascend)
o-le go south go east . .. o-be-
, -. . . go west
go d -sha - go down (descend): 'Io-she go to landing place one .. !
? go anywhere