(JANUARY, 1907.
Hukm agiyaon ko bat méi Ikhê;
Jamibandt stjb farq se rakkhe. Kigab-doet daurah kare, bar bar,
Siff&t ad bole, ná ho gal ba khar.
A Raj& should issue his instructions in writing,
and must exercise full control over bis finances. He should carefully inspect his kingdom
throughout never treat his subordinates harshly, and try to live on amicable terms with them.
Hans, wardp, bugh, mfs, mör att gidh bbanljt. Jugal käg. Gan dharê ten gon båne lije.
Giré paré ho podwake, têk dijé boh bistår
A king should learn from the sean, heron,
paddy-bird, fish, peacock and valtare. He should also learn love and unity from pain of crows. Those who have fallen into misfortune must be comforted, while the oppressors should be
punished, Only when these qualities are attained by the
king, should be ascend tube throne.
Itno lachchhan raj kê, tab pag gaddi pah dbart.
18 THX COLT OP MIAN BIBI PHALLIC? Charm No. 9 is of a more recent type-or is The article (ante, Vol. XXXIV. p. 125) on the at least newer and stamped from a better die. cult of Mian Bibl, which flourishes in the The Mian is standing up, smoking a hugga, and Hoshiarpur District of the Pañjab, is not easily wearing apparently a cap. Both his wives are explained. In his Settlement Report on the fanning him. District Mr. Coldstream says that the image of That the cult is in its origin a phallic one the Mia is nude, but in the only two charms which I have myself no doubt, but a perasal of the songs I have been able to secure from Hoshiarpur the published in the article above referred to may not Man and his two wives are all represented as leave that impression on every reader's mind, and fully clothed. In charm No. 1 the Mian certainly it is impossible to be certain as the songs cannot wears a turban and appears to be fully clothed. be said to really prove anything. I have failed to He is squatting on & couch and smoking his trace any precise parallel to the cult in d'Alriella's hugga. The wife on the right seems to be holding | Migration of Symbols, in Mr. Rendell Harris'
fan. This charm is rudely stamped on a thin Cult of the Heavenly Twins, or in Dulaure's Dee piece of silver and is considerably worn, so that Dipinités Génératrices. it is difficult to conjecture what the objects above and near the heads of the figures are intended to be. Below and on the left is conventional
H. A. Roge. ornamentation.
| 15th August, 1906.
1 "Among the lower class of MumImane, anch w Gdjars, and perhaps among the women of the village generally, the worship or propitiation of Mihi Btbt is common. The MIA Btbt, the old man and his two) wives, is represented on wilver charms worn on the person, Ass nude male figure attended by two females, one waring #fan (chaurt) over him, the other Alling bin tobacco pipe (hugga)." Bee extraot in North Indian Nolor and Queries § 3 of Vol. IV.