[OCTOBER, 1907.
221. The effects of the evil eye are done away with by charms, or by performing the business out of the sight of the man suspected to possess it. A portion of something brought from without is put in the house fire. The effect of the evil eye upon an animal is neutralized by throwing some dust over it.
LXV. - Charms.
222. Magicians perform charms upon & person by means of things belonging to that person, or by things that were & portion of his body: -
(1) Nails or hair cut from his body, or the dust over which he has trodden.
(2) Driving a nail in a tree bearing the same name as the person intended to be injured, will wound that person.
(3) Warming the water of a spring of the same name as the victim on a fire, will make him to suffer from heat.
(4) Making an image of a person and wounding it with a nail in his name. (6) Making an image of a person and either barying or burning it.
(6) Putting the flesh of a corpse, or some pepper or mustard, in the name of the victim, on a sacrificial fire.
All these things are done in order that their effect may fall upon the victim.
228. Special care is taken to destroy nails or hair when cat. Every man has two dames, and the reason of this is that the magicians may not know the birth name.
LXVI. - Fortune-telling. 224. A magician or a jolishi (astrologer) foretells and foresees future events, 226. The following are the methods of prophesying and foreseeing: -
(1) The astrologer has three dice. He throws them and, making estimates by means of the letters of the alphabet; interprets good' or evil results.
(2) The disciple or dad, who is well known as & magician, concentrates his attention for a few minutes, and answers any questions pnt to him as to the good or bad end of the enquirer.
(8) Some oil is poured on a plate of white brage, and a lighted lamp is placed on this plate at night. The medium fixes his eyes, for a few minutes, upon this lamp, after which he goes into a trance, and in this state he foretells fature events.
(4) Questions are put to the medium in the evening, and he answers them the next morning. It is supposed that he receives information at night from some god.
(5) Sometimes the medium takes some oil or ghi (patified butter) in his hands and rubs them for a few minutes, and then answers questions. Some interpretanowers by making the questioner name any fruit or flower.
Answers to most of the questions about the past or present are correct, but to those about future are very seldom correct. Magiciana aad charmers belong to the Brahman, Jogi, shoemaker, K611, minstrel, smith, and Badi classes.
LXVII. - Illness is, Spirit-cationd. 226. Illness is generally attributed to ghosts.
227. If a man is suffering from a disease, which cannot be diagnosed by physicians, or if it increases with the use of medicine, or if it abates in the day and increases in the night, then it is thought to be a case of possession, and is referred to a Brâhman or disciple (dad). He throws dice or goes into a trance, and thus tells what sort of spirit is possessing the patient. The patient is treated in the manner suggested by the medium. Generally the medium gunes him by adoration and other such means.