V. - Genealogioal Tables. 11. The genealogical tables of the Brahmans and the Kshatriyas remain with the family priests, and generally they trace only so many generations as are necessary to be known for the performance of ceremonies on occasions of death or marriage. The genealogical tables of the great Rajas and Rênas are kept in the State offices. When the Purôbits (priests) of Ganges (Hardwar), Kurukshetra, Bhồa and Godwarî come into the hills, they prepare the genealogical tables of their disciples, and having written these tables down in their books, take them away. Table showing the Names of the Conventional Ancestors of some
of the Hill Tribes.
Name of Tribe.
Names of Ancestors.
Brahman or Bhat ... ... Bhardwaj, Gautam, Atri, Balraun, eto., famous rishis
(saint). Chhatri or Rajput ... Ram Chandar, Krishna, Para, Birat Raja, Bhimchand Raja,
Man Dhata, Bikrama Jit and Bhoj, Raja Jagdeva, Salba
han and Raja Karan. 3 Khatrt
...) Sukh Datta, etc., famous Rajas. 4 Kayastha ...
Bhoj and Koris, etc., famous Rajas. The people of this section are not found in the hills, therefore no mention of
them has been made above. 5 Bania, Sud, Bəhra, etc. No tradition about these worthy of mention. 6 Kanait
Born of the intermarriage of the Brahmans and the Rajputs. Jat ... ...
Unknown. 8 Goldsmith
Barber ... ... ... Do. Gardener, milkman, potter, Do.
and mason. Badi or carpenter ... ... Bawa Ram Singh Kúka, who was a carpenter by caste. Other low castes, i e. Koli, Kabir and Ram Das, noted saints, are considered to be the Rabir (shepherd),shoemaker forefathers of these. and cobbler. Türi, Dhaki, Dhadi... Baja Båvra and Tân Sên, famous musicians. Bairagi
Ramanand and Nimanand, well-known saints. 15 Sanyasi
Uuknown. 16 Jõgi ... ... ... Gorakh Nath, Machandar Nath, Jalandhar Nath, noted
Jõgis. 17 Udasi...
Nának, Râm Dâs, Amar Dås, Gobind Singh.
Nothing is known about the other tribes, nor is any story or tradition concerning them available.
13. No tribe has got any genealogioal table to enable one to trace the descent from the ancestors. The Rajas and Rånas bave their genealogical tables, which I have not been able to get, and hence no account of them can be given.
. [The answer to Question 12 seems to have beeu omitted. -ED.]