destroyed the demon on the spot by muttering some charms, which had such power that even to this day the river does not make any sound as it fows. Hence the place is called Nashadi.
Doha. Bájá jari-bharthi deoté ré bdja,
Dotha Raja Mahasů Hanola khe birdja. Jari-bharth, the music of the gods, was played, When Botha, Raja and Mahású left for Hacol.'
Maharaj Muhású Chaldd Pabási,
Hanol deklaro bahuté mano de hásé. Maharaj Mahasů, Chalda and Pabasi, The gods laughed greatly in their hearts on seeing Hanol. Chhote chhote bahuté deo;
Sri Botha Bahasú deote rå deo. There are many minor gods;
But Sri.Botha Mahasů is the god of gods. When Sri Mahású reached Hanol with his army, he asked Haná Rikht if it was the resort of Keshi the demon. The latter humbly replied that it was, but he added that the demon sometimes haunted the Masmor mountains, and had perhaps gone in that direction and that preparations for his destruction should be made at once. Upon this all the gods held a council and sent Sri Chalda with Sher Kalia, Kold, and others to the mountains of Masmor to kill Keshi. Under these orders Sri Chalda seated himself on a throne studded with pearls, and with the other warrior-gods set out in search of the demon. This song of praise was sung :
Teri Hanolé, Rajed, philon ki lari, Char bhdi Mahdsú Mata Deo Lari. Rajan ko ráj ndu tero niro. Bhesh-dhari Rajd ji. Rani, Raja ndwé parja nawe.'
Raja, thou hast a garden of flowers in thy Hanol, The abode of the four Mahasûs and their mother. Thy name is king of kings. In spite of all disguise thou art Lord, The queen, the king and his subjects bow down to thee.!
Potgi. Khandlid daki ndmi chor, Lá chalo palgi martubli Masmôr. Rajan lo ráj ndw tero naw.
Kashmiri Raja dewd ketha ? Bhimld ki őr. Thieves and famed robbers of Khandai, Bear ye my palanquin up to Masmor. Thy name is king of kings. Whither is the king of Kashmir gone? He is gone towards Bhimla.
Kailas Kashmir chhorô rajasthan Mainddrath dyd.
Rajan ko rdj ndw terô ndu. Thou hast left Kailis and Kashmir and came to Mainda rath.
Thy name is king of kings! When Sri Châlda's throne reached the hill with his bandsmen playing music, the demon Keshi witnessed his arrival, and thoaght him to be the same who had killed his lord Kirmar, and had come there for the same purpose. So he made ready for battle and said, "It is not