Chauth men upné Mahású char.
Panchmi hui tithi di Deo Kydia Dandr. The four Mabásns were born on the fourth.40 On the fifth were created the gods Kiyalú and Banár. 1
Sher Kalia Kyálú hoe Rothere wazir.
Romô hoe romó de nau ldkh bir. Sher Kaliâ and Kiyala became the ministers of Botha. Nine lakhs of heroes sprang from every hair.
path jord Huná gayd pairê pê jdi :
Sab manukh lié, Malka, rakshasé kháf.' Huna fell at her feet with clasped hands . All mankind has been devoured by the demons, O Mistress.'
Hath bando pair shir idya jani:
Mainddrath Talo da Kirmar ddno.' With clasped hands and foet he placed his head on her knees :.Kirmar, the demon, (dwells) in the Maindhrath Lake.
Kaththi hoi saind Mainddrath ke bag.
Char bhai Mahasa karại rẻ đg. The armies were arrayed in the garden of Maindârath. The four Mahâsú brothers were like the fire.63
Huns jaise rishie ati binti idi:
Isi ke kdran chdr Mahdsu di. Hûnk the Rishi made a great prayer:The four Mahasûs for this purpose have come.'
Sabhi jabf debté né binti lái :
Kyd dewo agyd Deo Lyf Mai?' All the gods made a prayer (saying :-) What are the orders of the goddess Deo Lari Mai P'
Jab di agya Sri Devi Mai:
• Kirmar Keshi rakshas ko tum dó ghdi.' Then Sri Devi Mâi gave orders :You must kill the demons Kirmar and Kêshi.'
Chambola. Raja Rikh-choliya idyo tero naw. Rajan ko ráj ndw tero ndw. Thy name is King of Rikh-cholya.. Thy name is king of kings. Kung kasturi, Raja, gla ko đháp, Char Bhai Mahdai Narain ko rúp.
Rajan ko raj ndu tero ndu. With saffron, musk and fragrant resin and incense, Raja, The four Mahásd brothers are Narain incarnate. Thy name is king of kings.
40 of the light half of Bhadon.
41 That is to say, two of the four Mahls were created on the 4th and two on the 5th of the light half of Bhadon. 19 Mnasa.
Of a cow-dung cake.