JANUARY, 1907.]
Ohdá pichhd kap!i gan. Aisi aisí hai sf, Méri kap!i kaili gan.' Khauf je kita Pandodi, Kyúi déiye jhuth suna. Chunké pôsh karð haddián, Asin déiyê rds kard. Utté pósh fakúké Té laygé mangn dúd: · Hé Bhagwan, tú rahm kar. Is gdi nin tú utá.' Gdn bhí hájir hô gái. Unhan ditti turt vikha. Us jagah Brdhman Chdhra ho gaya Aur ditti oh sazd.
And her hinder parts were those of a red cow. She was like this, My spotted red cow. The Påņdays were frightened, Because they had lied. They covered the bones with the hide, Placing the bones in their order. They spread the hide on them, And began to pray:
Oh God, have mercy. Raise this cow.' The cow became alive. They showed her to him at once. In this place the Brâhman became a Chuhľa By way of punishment.
2. Legend of the Marriage of Balmik's Daughter. Chal, sakhi, ham nahdön niháte.
Come, friend, let us go bathe, Ghar abydgat sádh áe.
The man of God has come to our house. Jhab mil, Ram jf.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Brahme di deki nún kusht dhdya.
A Brahman's body became leprous. Jéhra Kumbkn nahaun jáé.
He had to go to bathe at the Kumb festival. Jhab mil, Ram ji.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Agg& Jastri kendi chdrds.
On his way Jastri fed a herd of swine. Jitthon Brahmd ráh puchhde.
The Brahman asked the way. Jhab mil, Rám jí.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Kikar dyá Brahmana ?
Why have you come, Brahman? Téré kikar auné hôé ?
What brought you ?' Jhab mil, Rám j.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Dék méri ni kusht hai dhayá,
My body is leprous, Ham Kumbán nahón de.
I have come for a bath at the Kumb festival.' Jhab mil, Rám ji.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. • Tieri ghari nahdin tara.
•The right hour for bathing is the third. Téthôn kikar pahunched jde 7
How will you reach the Ganges in time?' Jhab mil, Ramji.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Tiori ghari nahdún méré.
• The third hour was the time. Main nii kéhȚd mard pahunchdé ?
Can any man take me there in time? Jhdb mil, Rám jt.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord.. • Ek jê taini main chappari dasadi,
I will show you a pond, Térá ji karê tê naháé ja.'
Yon can bathe there if you like.' Jhab mil, Ramji.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Kenan di bhanni hóf chappari
The pond where the swine wallowed Uhnún Jastri chd vikhde.
Was shown him by Jastri. Jhab mil, Ramji.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Pahili fubbi gayd Brahmd,
The Brahman dived once. Rétú di mujh lá dé.
He brought up a handful of sand. Jhab mil, Ramji.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Duift fubbi gaya Brahmd.
The Brahman dived twice. Bhar ghuggan di muth lé dé.
He brought up a handful of shells. That mil, Rám ji,
Meet me quickly, O my Lord.