(MAY, 1907.
Bhulké m&ld kumb dd; tú 6thé jdnd,
Must go. The true disciple has composed Pallé kharch pd láyd ad té dana,
These songs he seeks God's grace. The Puchhan uhndi låg jad, Andd main Gangd jdnd,
His way, but fate marked on his forehead Chélé siftdi jindi, mange fart rabbdná,
helped Bdhmar rdhôn ghuské pai g' ya udri,
Him - fortune him befriended. Jastri fed Ohdo lékh matche de khul guyé, kiti mastak Her cows in the jungle. Why,' she asked, ydri,
look you Angé Jastri nich ujar de, pei kailidi chdre. So swollen P' He said, My parents gave me Puchchiyd Jastri, Bdhmand, téri dehf haf birth, bhart,
But God has smitten me. My bread, and fate's Jarm dittà si mdpédi, dukh Rahb cha ide, Gift, water, bronght me here to you. I have Dané pání parllabhat, tainan an mildyd, Both elder brothers and some younger too. Nikk& vadde bhurd nê, phir sabbhd vihkdb, But I an outcast am. My sisters have Bhdhidi sôvdní dn jinhdi odlal jas,
Fair children. Now I go to bathe on this Maii chaliya nahdún lumb dé, Rabb köth Great Kumb day, that my leprosy my God gardé.
May cure.' O Brahman, now there is no Kumb wahdurid Bhmand, phir hai nahin wld, time Tainan 6thé jándéda hajad kes veļa,
To bathe in Kumb. Go home, and twelvo Pichchdi ndri mur jd khai, ghar ja sapóra, short years Bardh barof Ab of, phir ihd véļa.
Will bring the blessed time again.' 'A poor Bahman wait andikodi, dulk Rabb cha Idyd, And hapless Brahman 1! God sent this ill, Dana parif pardlabhal, taringni di mildyd. A water and my fate have brought Bahman Nath cheha jórdd, phir
Me here. The Brühman stood with folded Hath jorké khard hogaryd, or qadamdi te
hands lyd,
Before her ; placed his head upon her feet. Mihr & gay men Jastre, da tarsón dyd, Sho pitied him. Come to the but,' sbo Dérê addde shal Ichdi, jikar pîr & dyd.
cried. Janda Bahmari rdhi nan Jastri pd liyd bdadhd, The priest may now have come from Ganges Jeun Hir pattal tok márké, ghar Ranjha anda. stream.' Jewi Jawe pattan mulliya, ghar Punnd didd. She captured him as Hir did Ranja when Jéssi sohir dubbi ni vich, mit 'asho satdida. She made him leave the boat-bridge on the Joun Rodd mdr dr bhadhidi khare lourlanda Jeuw magar Balock di bhaned of janda. As Sassi sat on the bridge and brought Jastri dhridi për nd, Taindi karm rabband, again
IN Bahmari hai andth, dahi kushth satånd. Her Punna ; just as Sohnî for her love Mar&#haya körk dd, dindd marr Gungdjana Was drowned, being sick of love; us Roda Ihdit layd nudk-18 jat, sh jag has shahdad. Pir de dil taro dgayd, man i dgayd wihr, Being beaten. He ran after the Baloch. Ileko gadod paní dd, adnnun tréhdyda nün dhér And Jastri said, O priest, God blessed art Gangl jal te suflet, hath pinde pher,
thou. Pir Bald bardd wala land& dér.
This Brahman, leprous, goes to wash himself Pi 38 dlehe Jastrfya, chauphene vakr In Ganges stream. If he is cured indeed chatsphéré,
A Shahi sacrifice we see. The priest Gongd jal td sa ddis, sk hath pinde phare,
Was moved basinfal of water was Dukh hdd phir kațiye, ghar jde saréré, A stream for thirsty souls. "The Ganges Bakman dl haqq Jastrt jów pdndo mole, stream
Pour on thy body; rub thyself.' The priest Groat Bald helpe, and lingers not. He said
0 Jastu, find a pond and straightway throw The Ganges water in, and in it let