MAT, 1907.]
(Concluded from p. 116.)
Ih sattán simidi da bhdhai, satte hain He lifted them. The genii and gods domdr,
Did wonder. Fourteen clubs,' they cried, Pichhe chukian Hajrat Shah sdn, oh bard amazed, jawan.
He's lifted; one's enough for us. They weigh Us gode di tikar andi di sab fut gayd saman. Seven earths and seven heavens. Once Kumb karn Dainsar ajéhé jinhan di chóli Hazrat Shah, dhur dom dn,
The strong, did lift them, but even he could Ih dhan Bald pir bhagat hai darg dh-e-parwan lift Pir jo guradi chukkó lag aggé painda
Them only to his knees; then his great Tai us svodmi morké mur ghar nur ande, strength Sudmi mangédachhnd, bhojan nahin khándé, Did fail him. Dhainsar, tall as heaven, could Na unhdi lage bhukh hai, na andar jdidé, show Khand kíkar khdiye tuddh hatted kite
Such power, and only he. But BAIA, priest Sakk d nahi auldd dd, gal buri dh kití. Of God beloved, is great. The priest
marched on In front, and so he brought the saints back
Assdi te kbhd si hasdédi, gall 6h8 kiti Balak ti javdi lai jih bhagti dh kiti. Na mai kiti bhagti na kôi kamdi Mörd adhé tral hath vit hai, Rabb dhandé ldi, T4 bard bhagat mahdn bali hai, pur azmat lai. T4 Machh agasối ld laid de dh mak kaldi. Tú Ndme bhagat nün bauréôn mde gad jardi, Sip saldmdn dhariydn, biptd katwdi. Dhanakh dhar sér sehre Sita Rám maldi, Tuddhi Rani Drøpti dikdidi kajwdin Ta jag géon Baldev då, tain de vadiydi, Dainisar kd sir katiya Ram n& Laink lutdi, Tá rdt Bhavisar kafiya hokoh sant sahdi,
His house. They ask for dachnd, sadhu's
tee. They seek not food, they are not hungry,
nay, They even refuse the bouse to enter, saying, • How can we eat thy food P Thou'st murder
done. Thy song thou lovedst not; we but jested;
wrong Thou'st done. Raise now thy sons to life, if
thou Hast worshipped God. The priest made
answer, I have earned no inerit. But three cubits
and A half my body is; and even so It full of trouble is, God given.' They said, Thon art & mighty saint, with honours
crowned.' The priest replied, "God, thou once didet
send The fish, and from the heavens the bow:
Thou didat