de Roy [Shāh Salaiman's duhai). When he herd ye word, be rose vp & made 3 Sallams towards his kinge. I told him, these are yo men haue, Or would [have] beene y death of 25 Marchts besides theire Sarvants; yu haue them in yor Custody ; leoke to them; I am going for Spawhawne. ga ye Gouerner, two of these men looke like gr! men. Pray, ed I, question them, He then questioned them & said, tell me trewth, Ile make yu Moores, & then yu are fre from all harme. He found they Weere gilty of w! I accused them of, And Committed thom to a Roome ; Soe I left them. The Gouerner att ptinge (parting] Sd, yo Engl, Dutch & french are of good freinds, Shall we loose 3 places for 3 men, in wch aro Thowsands.
Next morning he sent ter me betimes & askt me wheere I was bound. I gd for spawbaun. He askt what service I would command him. I told him noe service, but desired Good iustice. He is Gouerner of Conge, Commoroon & Larr. While I was thus talking, caime in 3 wth chaines & Locks on theire hands. Said y Gou', how like you this; I Sd well, & yt ye Engi Datch f& portugalls would Commend his good iustice.
sa yo Goa", I have don this on yor word & caused a letter to be written & I to set my hand to it & my seale alsoe, yt if I had abused them wthout cause, the ffranks must give acct of it, and that before I left Spawhawne.
Next morning they weere sent away wth 20 horse as a gard to Coiroon, wth & post before, woh would goe yt in 3 days (I was 7 in comeinge), & demanded of me to stay till answer was retarned. The 5th day after came answer from ye Gour [of] Comroon that they had hanged the Commendores slane, And 2000 Tomaine was gathered by ye Banyans, 1000 for ye Gouerner of Comroon, ye other 1000 for y. Gouerner at Larr & 80000 for to be devided amonge ye Marchants (who] weere theire, ffranks, To saue the Banyans lives; & never anie Banyan to Broak or serve in business to yo Christians On that Coast, wch is 100ds of tbowsands to theire losse, for they did all business for ye factories.
From Larr I tooke my Jurney for Serash (Shiraz], 140 Leagaes from Larr. First I came to yo padreys theire. Next day caime yo English Broker to me & told me It was not fit I should be here & Carried me to yo English howee.
The Gouerner of Serash bsing a great Caune (Khan), yt is Lord, & for some reason then not kuowne, forsake his meanes And betook him to a Mountaine privat, & for 2 mo had a day noe more then ye quantity of a penny white loafe. His desire after some tyme theire was to know how all did wth his fammily. A spirritt appearinge to him told him he could not goe to see his family wthout he would doe one of y' 3 thing when he caime theire he would ppound to him, vizt lie wth his Mother And Daughter or be Drunke. He answerred ye last he would Doe. He went to his howse & great pritious was made, And being Over come wth drinke he lay wth Mother & wth Doughter. Nex morning, Remembering what he had don, tooke his Doughter, it being in the tyme of ye raines, and Threw hir into a grest Tanke. She was taken vp by others & knowne to be such a Lds doughter. The Ld, after he had throwne in his doughter, went to y Justices & told him what had past, & yt he iudged himselfe not worthy to live.
The iastice & Governer past it by, but sent for the Mother & Doughter & askt if it was as the La had told. They both denie it. In caime ye Men yo took up ye Doughter out of ye tanke, & herd what they sa & Quest how she caime theire; ye La bir father made answer I carried hir theire. Sd ye Dougbtor, father now I must speake, begg yor pdon, I confess you forst me to it. A counsell was held & y L4 was put in Irons. His Brothers sonn, then Gouerner, 8d, my vnkle since he left yo Gouerm, hath drank bangg & post, 24 woh makes him talk Idley.
(To be continued.)
* Fryer gives the same spelling Deroy, an interdict.' It is an appeal to the King for justice, * Phang and post, preparation of opium.