[APRIL, 1907
before him, & he haueing ye Dice, ye Capt puts downe his box & sd, para esta. At it, sd yo fydalgoe. Theire gr play is passage, & its yo play theire, if ye Caster throw awmes, ace & a tray, he paya doble ye stake he throwes at. The fydalgoe or K threw awmes, ace & a tray, & seing it, said, open yor box & tell yor money, pushing his heape to him. Hold, said y Capt., & tooke ont ye Key of his box & opend it & showed his hand & ye arme it was Cut of, & 84, yu hape lost both yor bands. They caime to Composition & y Cape had his shipp & goods and doble hir vallew. The Cap is now in Lisbon, And knowne to me Jn Cambell & many others, who se his hand & Arme it was Сatt of.
Att the same tyme in Goa, I was carried to see a father, counted a holly man of ye Order of yo Pollistians, borne in Dunkirk, who had beene desde almost 12 Monts before, but lay aboue ground to be seen by all ye caime; & of seuerall Nations round abont theire caime, viz! And see him lie as at ye tyme of his death vnbowelled, or thout anie art don to him saue ye shaueing his face every weke & paireing or Cutting his nailes, wyth a Naturall fresh Culler. The faime of it caime to ye Pope, as nothing don almost in Anie pt of ye world, but theire are padreys to give advice. The Pope sent for the boddie of this Padre ; ye Pollistiaus who are ye richest Scotietie of fathers in ye world, denied it. Bat the Pope demanding his right hand, it was granted & Cutt of, Jo. Cambell then peont, and it bled as fresh as if it had been Catt from ye Boddie of a liveinge man. They indeavord after topserve him from Corruption but could not, soe 3 days after he was buried.
One day, I sittinge wth King Wyley (the wali], 3 brave Weomen paoners weere brought before him ; 2 Weere Brammonists [Brahmans] wifes, theire husbands being kild. The 3d was a Portugall, weh I freed. She told me sbe had to pay me what I laid out, & Did 8 doble, when I delivered her in Conge (Kung). Sa yo Kinge to me, will you free thother two. I gd this is a Christian & I an other, They Gentues.
Two of King Wyleys Saryts being by, wth Katārs [daggers] by theire sides. These 2 Brammonist weomen drew each a Katar from them & before ye Kinge rip vp their Bellys & Dyed.
The next day, about 8 Clock in the morninge, theire Arrived A ship of ours from Bambay, 220 Leagues by Ses from this place. Wyley y* King of yo Arrabbs sont for me & sd, wtt doe ya make this ship to be. I 94, English. Welcome, sd be, yts of Brother. Comeinge into y rode, his Ladeing was rice & Batter & Coquer Natts, web was great Reliefe to ye Contrey, for, Except ye great Ones, they eate only Tammer (fa'ama], vizt., Dates & fish. The contrey is very barren, & have great respect to yo English ye furnish them wth pritions, for they are often vexed wth fammin.
Cap! William Hill was commander of the vessell & was verry glad to meete wan Englishman theire, ye king Wyley esteemed, & could Speak ye Lingus, for yo Cap! could not. I delt wth the Kinge for him, for his Rice Batter & ye rest of his Ladeinge, & truckt wth ye Kinge for 850 psoners, Both well pleased, And for my Cartesey Kinge Wyley pented me wth Black boy & Cap! Hill a Dymond Ring, woh I accepted.
From Moskatt I went to Conge, in y* Pertion Dominyon, wth my Lady psoner, for soe she was, & hir husband slaine at Due Dio). I was much made of & gratified.
Thence I went for Commerroone (Gombroon), wch the English hade A factory at, & Receive halie Custome of it for theire good Service in helping y Pertian to take ye famous Ormous, Once
• Mr. Donald Ferguson suggestа the following reading of this passage :- "The Captain put down his box and said, 'Paro esta'C' I wager this - caixa = box). Atido L' Done!'), said the fidalgo." Ti, e., ambs-ace, double ace, the lowest possible throw at dioe.
1. &, a Paulinist, the local name for the Jesuits. John Campbell seems to be alluding to the shrine of S. Francis Xavior, whose body was removed to Goa in 1554. According to his wont, Campbell alters dates to suit his purpose so that he may appear to have personally witnessed the events he describes. The right arm of the Saint was sent to the Pope in 1614. See The Voyage of François Pyrard of Laval (Hakluyt ed.), YOL VI. p. 61, f. ,
• The English factory at Gombroon was established after the taking of Ormus, in 1622. In a letter to the Court from Surat, dated 2nd Nov. 1636 (Factory Records, Miscellanaow, Vol. 2) the Council remark that they have # "Right to the Gulph of Persia and port of Gombroon, by firmo League and Covenant made and Concluded att tho Expulseing the Portugall, which cost our nation both men and money to purchase."