is a greatman, mett me, And askt me in his Lingua who I served, & followed me home to y howse I lodged at, being I had not the Lingua. My man, then Master, discorsing wth him, y* Naage demanded wti Lingaa I could speake. He told him I was but a new barv! & could speake noe Lingua. Then, 4 yo Naag, how doe y vnderstand him. He replied, by Sigos. He was verry ernest to buy me, but nay Man pat him of, telling him I was his Brothers saryo. The cause of my staying soe longe amonge them was, Wee could not Travell, They being in warrs one wth an other.
I had not scaped Sellinge bat yt my boy was trusty, we is rare of a Cannarry [Kanarese), for y Contrey he was.
From Guzzeratt to Brampoore (Barbânpar) is 400 Leagues. I was 4 Months in goeinge it. When we caime to Junkann [costom-house], I lighted of my horsse & gote on yo 01, oh carried yo boy & things, & the boy mounted On my horse as Maister Att seuerall villages, for theire was noe Cittys on the way; forts theire weere, but we went out of the way to misse them. In every 40 Leagues theire was Jankanns (custom house officers), who tooke head money. Wh much troble wee past, My man he einge yo Lingua, bat I not. And the people weere verry inguissitive what I was, being a white man, weh was rare in y* Contrey. When we caime wthin 60 Leagues of Brampoore, my Man told me, this is ye great Junkinn Towne called Halloe (Halabas, Allahabad).
When we caime wthin sight of the towne, beinge on the edge of a hill, sd my sary, Maister stay here, I will observe if we can miss the towne. I told him he knew it was daingeros to goe out of ye roade way, but left it to his discretion. MT, Sd he, I beleive yor money is almost gon. I sd, by tow such Cotte (Bhãi, tu sach kahta), Brother, thon speakest trewth. Sa he, after we had Consulted together (but I had y about me my sarvknew not of), we have a way we may passe, but if not, yo haue freinds at Brampoore, & yu shall pawne me heere till ye send releife. After we had refresht of selfs, my boy said, Haw'dow'ca'noun challa (Khuda ke nam, chalő], Lets goe in the naime of god. Am'ar'ra ser'op'ra boat'bog'hey [Hamarā sir par bahut bhoj hai], I haue, gd my man, for he was gray w age, A great Oharge vppon my heade. Am'ar'ra', Jou'row char, be'te Amorra Zam man hey (Hamarā jori, chår bele, hamara så min hai], My wife & Children lie at stake for me to yot freinds if yu get anie hort. Hodah io'bey Khuda ile hai), gd he. Theirs bat One god, So'de'ra decking'ga' Sidha rå dikhåčigal, wch shall direct vs go right way. When we had past yo towne Holloe Allahabad] towards Brampoore [Burbānpar), we mett wth & Company of horssmen, woh had taken 24 Marchants, woh had past & not paid theire Junkin money. So my man, these are Rogues ; They haue laid wait both wayes, because they knew yo Marchants would pass by yo vpper way to save theire Junkin money. Ou'ta' amora' bail away [thi, hamara bail aswar], Alight piently (at once] & get vppon yo Or. He mounted pently on y horsse & rid towards them, And said to me, Ton asta asta pecha hey (Tum ahistë akistē pichhe 20], com you Softly behinde. Comeinge to them, he knew one of the horssmen, who askt him from whence he caime. He sa, I caime from Gusaratt, And I and my man are goeinge for Bram poore to bay some swords and knives for such a Naag (näsk) in Guzuratt whoge sary! I am. Whon I caime neare, 8d my Man, then Maister, to me, Get yll a heade, this boy is a foole, & cald me naimes, Telling his accquaintance of me was but small. So yo Man, Kiss was ny marrs (kis sastē nahisi mara), Why doe you not beat yo Rogue. Sa my MT, Ka'poyn'ge' as ham da'han'na o'mar'ra'ga [kyä pāånga is ham divānā mārēgā], What shall I get by beating a foole. My man puld of his girdle & gaue it ye horssman, we pleased him well. Tam'oou a 'marra'sad ca'poss [tum kaho hamara sahib ke pås] woh is, When y se my Maister, (sa he to y Marchants, who weere for Gazzerat), ham is voc'cat dalgeer (ham is waq! dilgir), I am at this tyme sad & Mellencolly, because he sent a saryl wth me I am forst to be a nurse to. The Marchants replied, & y. Soldiers, Tom bar'ra sa'fect' adam me' hey'tom better ny gente Kiss wast to mor'ra pass Chocke'ra leta