[JUNE, 1906.
The Emperrer after this fell sick & Continewed soe for 1 mo., and yet noe rebellion, wch is rare, for ye Emperor is every day to show himselfe publiquely in his Am Casa or throne, elce his subiects will say he is dead.
Wheere this Throne or Am Casa is, are seŭall built by his pdessors glorious to behold, wth gold & Dymonds and ptious stones, But that weh this emperror hath made Exceeds all the former.
In anno 1660, in John a Badd, was one Wm Gates, 63 a rare Artist and in the service of the Magull agst Kinge Swagie [Sivaji], in weh service was Alsoe I, an intimate of Wm Gates. W Gates was kild in that service; Did afterwards appeare to me J: C: I regarded it not, Soe one night he caime about 12 Clock in ye Night & gaue me a great blow as I lay in my bedd on my buttocks, & sd, rise vp. Doe not ya know me. I, much surprised & affraid, Sa, in yo name of ye father, sonn and holly gost, what wouldest thou. He said, I am such a one was kild at such a place. If yu doe not follow me, it will be bad for yu. God did strenthen me; I followed. My sarvants weere all in bed, my doores lockt & bolted & verry stronge, yet none kne: I past out, or did I know.
Sa ye spirritt, I cannot rest, haueing hid some money, till I shew you wheere it is. We went about 200 yards, ye spirritt before me, & comeing to ye place, he made a great Stamp and theire vannisht. I fell a sleepe on ye place, how I know not, & slept till day next morninge wth out harme. Awakeinge, I found a stake stuck at my heade in ye Ground. All this while I remembred not what had past, but thought I had been at my howse. I said noe thing to anie, but Mr Smith, ye Pson [parson], who I lodged in my howse, see me come in, Askt me wheere I had beene. I made noe replie. He vrged me tell him, he knoweing it was not vsnall for me to goe out at such an erly hower, I gaue him relation of wt had past. We went, diggd, and found money in a earthen pott.
This money was sent to ye Pish of Stepney for the poore of ye parrish in weh he was borne I would [have] kept it, but ye Pson advized yo Contrary. After this I herd noe more of him.
In the yeare 166165 theire was in Dorrishacours [Dara Shikoh] Army a Monsup Dor [Manṣabdar], wch is Command of 500 horsse, his name Doyd begg [Daud Beg], yt is one of a great howse or Cast.
There was in Mallabucks [Murad Bakhsh] army a Ld Commanded 5000 horsse & was Droger [dirogha] of ye top Conney [topkhana, artillery]. These two weere sworne Brothers & pist [promised] to live & die together, Doyd Begg was kild when Dorrishawcour was routed. The Ld Radger Cowley [Riza Queli] Droger to ye Top Conney or Great Gunns, after the feight caime to his owne howse, and 3 mo. after, One night, I, J. Campbell, being sitting with him and in discorse, One of [his] Sarvants told him theire was one at ye doore desired to speake with him but would not come in. He ast who it was; they told him a verry fyne Gentleman. He, ye Ld, tooke in his hand his sword; I followed him, & his sarvt before wth lights caime to ye Doore, wheere was One in ye Likenesse of Doydbegg, who S4, pvide yor selfe for this night yu must die, and then vannisht.
63 Mr. Irvine suggests that William Gates may be Manucci's "Guilheromo Inglese" who went with him on Rajah Jai Singh's Campaign in 1664 or 1665.
P William Gates.
65 Either the date is wrong or Daud Bog was not in Dara's army, for the prince was executed in 1659.