(MARCH, 1905.
Persons that do not go to help their neighbours) in extinguishing the fice that has broken out, shall pay a fine of twelve paņas. Persons carelessly causing fire shall pay a fine of twenty-four panar. Persons throwing dust on the road shall pay a fine of th of a paņa. Persons cominitting nuisance on ronds, in bathing places, near reservoirs, temples and palaces shall pay a fine of one pana. Persons throwing carcasses of animals on roads shall pay a fine of from three to six panas. Persons carrying dead bodies on other than fixed paths shall pay the highest penalty, riz., three thousand paņas. Cremation of dead bodies in other than fixed localities shall be punishable with a fine of twelve panas. Persons wandering in the streets at night for purposes other than midwifery, medical treatment, cremation of dead bodies, &c., extinguishing fires, or without passports, shall be punished with a fine adequate to the natare of their guilt.
(F) Jails.
Prisoners who are young, old, or afflicted with disease shall be set free on the days of fall moon and on the days which are assigned to their birth-star.
Prisoners may be released on ransom being obtained either from charitable persons or from the relatives of the prisoners. Once in a day, or once in five days, prisoners may be set free on their having done a prescribed quantity of work, or on being sufficiently whipped, or on receiving an adequate amount of ransom.
Prisoners shall also be set free on the occasions of the king's acquisition of a new country by conquest, of installation, or coronation of princes, and on the occasions of the birth of princes.
(G) Currency.
Noto. Before entering into the question of premiums or discounts charged in the days of Chanakya on coins of private or foreign mintage, it is necessnry to know something about the metals used for coinage in those days and also the proportional value between the several coins then cnrrent.
The proportion between the several coins, their weight, and the amount of alloy used in cach of them will be cloar from the following table :
Names of the Coins.
Value in terms of gunja seeds, i. e. seeds
of the abrua precatorine.
6.1. Paņa
... scopper, y's lead.... = 80 gunja seeds = of a tola = approxi
mately of our modern Rupee. .. Do. ... 10 gunjas.
Do. ... 20 do.
2. Ardhapana 3. Pada ... i 4. Ashtabhiga
1. Masba .. 2. Ardhamasha 3. Kakani ... 4. Ardhakakasi
.. ..
5 do.
$ gunja.