[OCTOBER, 1905.
an Egyptian lady of rank to get back his throne, which he is now holding, by expelling the Regent Dhori Manifûlû.
Genealogical Table of the present Maldivian dynasty.
(1) Ghaki Hasan 'Izzu'ddin (1750-1787).
(3) Mahammad Mu'izu'ddin who ousted (1774-79) (2) Muhammad Ghiyâsu'ddîn (1767–74).
(4) Hasan Nûruddin (1779-99).
(5) Muhammad Mu'inu'ddîn (1799–1832). (6) Muhammad Im'ada'ddîn Iskandar (1832—81).
Ahmad Didi.
Ali Didi. Abdulla Didi.
Ibrahim Didi.
Hasan 'Izzuddin
(7) Ibråhim Núru'ddin (1881–5 and 1887-1893).
(8) Muhammad (10) Muhammad Dhori Tutu Mu'inu'ddin Im'ady'ddin Manifold Manifülů. (1885-87). Iskandar (Regent).
(9) Muhammad Agea Ahmad Didi
Shamsa'ddin Manifalu (Maldivian (1893 and 1909 (attempted representative to date. the throne to the Ceylon in 1891). Government
in 1904).
MISCELLANEA. A COIN OF MENANDER FOUND IN WALES.. British Museum, who most kindly identified the
Few more unlikely places for the discovery of coin for me, insist that it cannot possibly have a coin of Monander in the soil than Tenby in
been found in Britain; but for all that it was, and, Pembrokeshire could be imagined, and yet the
what is more, seems to me to have been placed following extract proves that one was actually where it was discovered in the first century A. D. dug up in that ancient town. "In 1878 &
Its intrinsic value is about 6d., for these coins are coin of Vespasian was dug up on the Esplanade,
very common in North-Western India. It is in Tenby, in juxtaposition with goat- and small or.
the Tenby Museum with the Vespasian, I myself bones. Two years afterwards, a silver Bactrian
saw the latter dug up." (Laws, History of Little coin was discovered close by. It lay two feet England beyond Wales, p. 46.) under the surface, and was unearthed while the Although the traces of Roman occupation, workmen were digging out the foundation for excepting coins, are very rare in South Wales, Mentmore House, immediately opposite the new coins have been found in great variety and conarchway made in the town wall, near the south siderable numbers. At Tenby, or in the immediate weet corner. It is a drachma of Menander, king neighbourhood, specimens of the coinage of of Bactria in the second century B. 0. On the Domitian, Faustina Junior, Marcus Aurelius, obverre is a head of Pallas [sic, read 'bust of | Probus, Maximianus, Carausius, Constantine, king'), with the legend:
Constans, and Diocletian have been found, and it BAZIAEOS BOTHPOY [sic, read ZOTHPOZ ] would seem that Tenby, even if it were not MENANAPOY :
actually held by a Roman garrison, must certainly on the reverse is Pallas fighting, with the
have been frequented by people who used the legend in Pehloi (sic, read "Kharoshthi') charac
money of the Cæsars. Probably the port was a ter, Maharajasa tradatosa (sic, read tratarasa]
place of call for conting ships, and the Bactrian Menandasa [sic, read Menadrasa or Monadrāsa).
coin was a curiosity belonging to a Roman soldier The authorities in the coin department of the or trader.