(JULY, 1905.
building of church in the Town of Madraspatam September 26, 1677," Jearsoy's name appears fifth in order. His donation was 60 Pagodas anda Saints Bell."10
On the 31st Dec. 1679, the Directors again feebly protested at the delay in adjusting Jeargey's accounts. They refused to take as a reason the want of papers and books and considered this ples
"slight excuse." They desired that the differences" night be brought "unto a just, fair, and amicable end" and therefore sont copies of the charges against Jearsey with his answers, and copies of all books in their hands. They authorized the Agent and Council at Fort St. George to settle the differences and finally conclude them." In answer to this protest we find the following abstract of letter to the Court in Dec. 1680. “Of Mr Jearsies accounts they excuse themselves for not having the papers, (having written for them) Complayning they bave noe place without to keep books, papers, &c, in all that Agency. Mr Joarsey willing to put an end to the business if they had power to pay wat is due to him." Jearney, therefore, far from being a disgraced, broken-down merchant, was still able to dictate his own terms. In Jan. 1681 we read," Mr Jearsey's great Warehouse in his house was hired to pay 1 fanam per Bale for every Bale put into it." Jearsey's position at Fort St. George at this time, eloven years after his dismissal, can be pretty accurately gauged from the following extracts : On the 28th April 1681, " The Agent and Councell understanding that Mr. William Joarsey with Hodge Abdall Coddar (Haji Abdul-Kâdir) a Moor Marchant were endeavouring to provide goods at St. Thoma and ship them off from thence to Manila apon a ship now in this Road belonging to the said Moor, thought good to send for the said Mr Jearsey and to forewarne him from doeing any such thing, seeing he was not denyed any priviledge of trade here, be ought to run the same fate the rest of the Nation did, and not to act soe prejuditiall to the Nations Interest as to carry the trade to another Port to the raine of this apon such an occasion." The seqnel of this matter is seen in the laconic entry of March 1, 1682. -- "A ship belonging to Mr Jearsoy arrived in this road from Monila."
In another matter regarding this ship we find the Company's servants actively assisting Mr Jaarsey, where one could hardly hare expected them to do so, considering the terms in which their masters at home were in the habit of alluding to him. The whole story throws an interesting sidelight on the life of those days: "Thorsday, 18 August, 1681. Whereas Mr Wm. Jearsey having lost his ships radder and it being found afterwards to be stollen and the persons that sold it detected, he brought up a list of the persons names that took it away, and the Agent and Counsell taking it into consideration, Sent for the persons that Imploy'd them Vizt Mr Wm Richardson Er Samuel Waidson the first a Lieutenant, the other an Ensign and it being found a Crime of
vory Evil Consequence to the Government in soe Combining together as not to discover the thing: though it proved to be done by the Souldiers of ye Garrison, so that we are of the opinion that if they Combine together for money given them to keep secret who it was that set them a work they may likewise be tompted for money to betray us and besides the threatening note sent to Mr Jearney wee did not well like of and therefore, 'twas concluded ye officers Vizt Mr W. Richardson, and Mr Samuel Waidson doe deliver up their Commissions and be dismist the Honble. Compe. Sarvice, as likewise those persons that wore A[llie)s in carrying away the Rudder be turnd out al Service for o]beying their officers in soe unjust a Command, Contrary to ye Orders of ye Garrigun and in n[ot] applying themselves to ye Governour when they were Commanded by their Officers in such an anlawfull thing. The Note that was sent Mr Jearsey is as follows] Vizi
Mr Jearsey
Being under confinement the frui(t) of your Envy, Wee desire to let you know a bottle or two of Brandy to your prisoners will be an acceptable offering and it may be profitable to you, doe not forget us but Send it quickly : for wee will not forget you but remain
Sr Yours to"
10 Master Papers