MAY, 1906.)
náchung, girl, virgin. T. I.
pajúldeć, the shepherds, sá, ( sag) is the ternáchunga, girls, seems to be status constructus. mination of the plural. 1.
It occur in connection with sa (sag), all. páto, arrow-blade. III. III."
Parkudda, name of a village. VI. nád, illness. T. I.
páshto, the woolly hair on the sheep. XIV. nágga len, let us lead out. XIII.
páyi, goats and sbeep (in a herd). X. nakhád, they come oat (nakhat). III.
perétő, filled. Compare also píréd. XI. nakhasún, let us come out! It is either foture phal phal, dispersed. T. IIL or imperative tense. Y,
pháyul, fatherland. T. IX. nam (= yam), sky, heaven. T. X.
phedg (= phye), flour-offering. T. VII. Námcha ( = ma cha), earring. T. VIIJ. phélliki jólmo, black-bird. Name of a mythonámkyil, middle of the sky, zenith, T. VI.
logical bird. II. námo, honor, glorification. XI.
phéphud (or phephúd), flour-offering. T. I. náng, in, inside. T. II.
phóg, burnt offering of pencil-cedar. T. VII., ndnggong, the lower fertile part of the village. XIII. T. III., IX.
phulichún, let us offer. Apparently related to nólo, forehead. VIII.
Tibetan phulba. It is either imperative or nómö, honor, glorification. The same as námo; future tense. III.
it is a case of assimilation to the second phuninna, they put on clothing. It may be a . Byllable.
form of the passive voice. Compare nú, go on l exclamation. VII.
ariánni. I. rubbád (nupát), it arrives (they arrive ?). XI. phunyídla, to [his) satisfaction. It is apparently VI.
mistake for punjidla. Compare pun, &c. nubbadongs, arrived; apparently a past participle. phunyún, let us pat on [the dress). It is either
imperative or future tense. V. nyd, on, upon (translated by on the shoulder'). phyógourú, towards the direction. Torminativo IV.
0480. In Tibetan the termination su would nyákt, thirst. x.
suffice. T. IX. nyedra, into. XIII.
pícag, knife. T. III. nyílo, blae. II..
prídleágshan, clever in drinking. VII. nyishar, sunrise. T. VIII.
piláyun, let us wrap round [the turban]. V. prired (perád, peret), is filled, or are filled. XI. poto, then. III.-XIV.
pún, filled. XII. Obyái, holoch / exclamation. X.
púnjol, fill! Imperative tense. XII. Sdta ámbar (6tta), name of flower. I.
pánjung, filled with food); satisfied. Appar. ophud, milk-offering. T. I.
ently a past participle. XIII. oyo, goat (or goats ?). XII.
púshro, flower. I.
Páchung, ripened. Apparently a past participle.
IX. pagkór, meadow. IX. paglur, meadow. Apparently the same as the
preceding; which is the more correct form
I cannot decido. II. pagkurrisha, on the meadow; sha and the are
terminations of the dative case. II. oáitri, to the pasture. XI.
Ranise, with sheep. Instrumental case. XIV. Rashtran, local name. I. Rashtranururow, either locative or terminative
case of Rashtran. I. ranú, is said, or is called. II. rásisinno, is called. II. Compare such forms as
drienne, phuniénne, &c. rarúng, said. Apparently past participle. X. ré, mountain, hill. T. II.