CHOOLIA. Fol. 141. buildinge houses....we were noe Sooner built but were given to one Chulijar or Other y! Radjas favourites.
Fol. 141. and in theire Stead he placed Chulyars.... whereapon y! Malayars and Syamers robe Vp in arms... and killed .... all y! Moors and Chulyars .... I judge they killed in this insurrection 70 or 75 Moors and Chulyars.
Fol. 142. The Chulyars are a People y! range into all Kingdoms and Countreys in Asia : and are a Subtle and Roguish people, of y. Mahometan Sect, but not very great Observers of many of his laws, theire Natiae land is V pon y! Southermost parts of y: Choromandell Coast, Viz! Porto Novo : Pullicherrie: Negapatam : &c.
Fol. 344. Sold the goods to Sarajah Cawn: a Chulyar & chiefe Shabandar of Qaedah : (and rogue Enough too) ...... but got very little or noe Satisfaction, beinge outwitted by this Cunninge Chulyar.
See Yule, 8. v. Choolia. [The above quotations are remarkable for the period and valuable for the history of the name and for the accuracy of the description of this class of adventurous Muhammadans from the East Coast of Madras.]
Fol. 54. he [the Governour) is very ready to giue his Chopp we is Signet by Vertue of web he goeth very Safely to y next Goverment and there tendered wth his Chopp and soe forward; it is & Seale put upon his wrist in black we gines a durable impression not at once Easily washed off.
Fol. 93.y! water and Mudde of y! Ganges Sent from them (the Brachmans] wp theire Choppe or Seale Vpon it is accompted Sacred ....Sealed way! great Brachmans Choppe (Otherwise of noe Esteeme).
Fol. 161. She [the Queen of Achin) Sendeth downe to them her Chopp (i. e.) her broed Seale; and then it is granted according to theire request, if y! Chopp cometh not downe to them they must desist from y! businesse in band, and mind Somethinge else. The Chopp is made of Silver 8 or 10 inches longe & like to a Mace woh openeth on y! topp where y! Signet is Enclosed. Before any fforaigner can land in this Port he must receiue this Chopp, and then hath be freedome to buy and Sell and land his goods at pleasure, the like must be done when he is almost ready to depart y! Countrey, by y! Master or Commander onely e'lse it is taken as & most grosse Affront ......... and y! Choppe is made ready about 9 or 10 y next morninge.
Fol. 162. And there wee pay for y! Chopp 2 pieces of very fine callicos or Muzlinge or 4 tailes in moneys viz four pounds Sterlinge.
Fol. 163...... Doe Other duties are payable by any of y! English Nation Except y! Chopp in and out.
Fol. 164. to informe y Officers there that wee are ready and want onely y! Queen's Chopp.
Fol. 166.onely once more he must goe to y! Custome house and there take y! Chopp for his departure.
See Yale, s. r. Chop.
[V. and E. p. 20, May 20th, 1680 : “All goods (except planks and such bulky things of small vallue) goeing & comeing by sea must pass through the sea gate & there be searcht, examined and customed and being chopt with Red Inke P may pass out or in without