CASH. Fol. 58. ffort S': Georg's ... Cash made of Coppar 80 make one fanam or 0016 008 08d... Pullicatt... 24 Coppar Cash make one fanam or 00 00 044 ... Metohlipatam ...Coppar Cash Value each 00 00 01.
See Yule, 8. v. Cash. [The quotation is useful for the history of the word. See ante, Vol. XXVII. p. 91.)
CASTE Fol. 7. alsoe they are Strictly forbidden to Eat or drinke Or dwell under y! same roofe w any Save of theire Owne Cast.
Fol. 8. if they very circumspectly looke not to Every particular of their laws, they may come to be accompted y vilest of men, and loose their religion wo they call Cast.... .. neither will he be admitted to Eat or drinke wo any of them if soe they all loose theire Cast that doe accompanie him in any Such actions..... untill he hath regained his cast.
Fol. 13. w a great number of men of his owne Cast....... Some to See fashions and Some to regaine theire Cast.
Fol. 18. There is another Sort of these Idolaters, who are accompted to be of a higher Cast (then y: Gentaes be) these are called Banjang.
Fol. 19. Neither of these Casts drinke any manner of Liquor.
Fol. 27. there are another Sort of inhabitants about this [Choromandel] Coast that are y! Offscum of all yo rest they are called Parjars they are of noe Cast whatever.
Fol. 41. Resbutes are of another Cast.
Fol. 43. They (Gualas, bearers) are of a Cast by themselvs, worshipinge Stocks and Stones, and diffor in many respects from y rest of y: Idolaters, and line amongst themselves.
Fol. 57. The Merchants as alsoe most tradesmen are of the Gentue Cast.
Fol. 85. of all Jdolaters in India y! Orixas arę most ignorant and are held by yo rest to be of a lower Cast then they in boe much that y! Others namely y! Gentues and Banjans will scarsely line neare any of them, soe that they are as it were Seperated from any towns or Pagods of Note.
Fol. 93. [Ganges water and mud] sent as p!eents to y! great Merchants of y: Banjan Cast (in this Kingdome (Bengala]).
See Yule, 6. o. Caste. [The above quotations exhibit the whole idea of " caste" as understood in the 17th century.]
CATAMARAN. Fol. 27. When any great Ordinance, Anchors, butta of water or y like ponderous ladeinge is carried off or on, they seize 4: 5: or 6 large pieces of boyant timber togeather and this they call a Cattamaran ; Vpon woh they can lade 3 or 4 tunns weight, when they goe on fishinge, they are ready with very Small Ones of y! like kind that will carry but 4: 3: 2: or one man onely, and upon these Sad things they will boldly adventure (out) of Sight of y! Shore.'
Fol. 28. their Massoolas and largest Sort of Cattamarans are built in this followinge forme. See Yule, 1. v. Catamaran. (See ante, Vol. XXX. p. 350.]
CAWNE, Fol. 94. 16 Pone make 1 Cawne or 1280 : Cowries. 2 Cawne & make 1 rupee or 3200 : Cowries.
Not in Yule. [The word is kdhan.]