[8EPTEMBER, 1903.
81 | galte bdag.gis.mi.phan.pl Igaol.ne.bdagls.chad pas.kbum
1 bdag.gis .gsol.ba .bżin.du.mdzod 82 gal. temi deyes.mdzad. Parma.gyar
81. - If I ask for what is not profitable, do you
in punishment kill mello, but if my request is wholly profitable, act accord
ing to my request. 82. - It I shall not have displeased you, again
and again I would make my request. But if my word cause you all the more to kill, this command is certainly to be issued.
| bdag.gio.yan.dan-yan.du.gsol.barsl.
hthall ci-ste. bdag . tshig .khyaddahgums.
mdzad.231 I bkab.mchid.hdi . niones par.gtan.bar.
bgyi82 83 dgyee. par.hgyur.na.slan.dgye33.mi.
bgums.tel | mi•dgyes • hgyur • na.dogs.bzan • bar •
btsbal Ignod .bgyid .ii .ma . Itar.roomi. thogs.
pas sabdag zla.bazla.ba .bżin.du.
mdzode 84 sa bdag tsher.mahi.sin.lsm.sbran.
rtsiItarol 1dgra.bolas .kyai. legs.par.smras.pa.
83. - If pleasure have been given, be who is
pleased with a request does not kill :87 if displeasure have been caused, one must entertain apprehension. Since we cannot look upon the hurtful sun, act, O moon of kings, like the moon.
84. -
king, do you accept even from an enemy what is well said, like the honey from the thorn bush; like the poison stream from the mountain of gold, you should reject the evil words of a congenial person.
1 gser.gyi rilas. dag.rgyan.ji. bżin.dul iyid.bod.skye - bohi - tshig. Dan spaj.
tshallo! 85 mi chog.gal.telegs.par.md red. pahi.
sbyor. bas .bsgrubs.gyar.tel pharol-geodee.pa•sel.bahi • dpal.hdi.
yon. tan.rgyan.mnams.kyis phyug. par.bgyis na legsspyad. brgya.
la chags.phyir .gyo.bahisnin | mi brtan pa yan.randban.med.par.
yun.ris. kbyod . la chags1 || slob.dpon. m . triei.tras rgyal.po.
chen.po.ka.niks. la.sprinspahi.
hphrine.yig.rdzogs 50 || Il rgya.gar.gyi.mkhan.po.bidya. ks.ra.
prabhã.dan 1972u.chengyi.97 lo. tsă .bs .banderincben mcliog .gis. bsgyar ||āca •ryk.dpal.rtsegs kyis. żus.te .gtan • la phab.pall
85. - Is it not enough if this Sri, having been
won by the union of noble deeds, and cleansed from the hart of others, shonld be made rich with the ornaments of virtue, and she through attachment to
hundred good acts, though unreliable in her fickle heart, be for a long while
devotedly attached to you? End of the Epistle to the great king
Kanika, composed by the acārya MātȚicota : Indian teacher Vidyākaraprabhi : Zu.chen translator Bande Rin • chen • mehog (Paramaratna ?): edited at the request of the acarya Dpal-rtsegs (? Srikūta).
19 um 33. Or with the reading tum I must apprehend punishment. 88. ba .byyid 33.
slarrjes 89. alan 94? Aguma is for hyum, as also in v. 82. ma 89. 31P U ?
cher 33. old 83. dari 33. » gnod 33. # rim. 33.
Or if this Bri...... union of doing good to worthy men'? ma 33.
* eprii 33. Omitted by 39.