[8PTEMBER, 1903,
64 | bdag .ni .sñio rjesezil.non cint
Iyid.midgah.bahirlan.gyis-ni] sin.tu.brlan pahi. smre. sbagshdi
režig.gsan.par.mdzad .du.gsoll 65 bgro.ba • sman32 .ps log Itun.ba
mgon. med. ñes.med.phal.cherna
i phal. pas. htsho.ba sgrub.bgyid.pal 66 | byadanori•drags.phyngsdag la|
I rgyal.pos gaod dam.gsod hjug. par
ciga.riga. samtni rigs.pa | bde3 . la .gnas.pa -khyod nid .gsaus|
64. - Give a moment's hearing, I pray, to this
lament of mine, very moist with the moisture of sorrow, compassion con
straining me. 65. - Ill-fated in their inferior condition,
defenseless and in general void of sin, with grass, water, and fruits for their
usual means of subsistence, 66. - Birds, and beasts, and cattle - whether it
is right or not right that the king should slay these or cause them to be slain, do you yourself, o firm in truth,36
declare! - With the great being, not angry, you
display patience, even to oue who does harın. By your compassion shall any inferior ereature be, alas ! excluded ?
67 khyod .ni .chen . por. mni. khro in
Ignod. pa bgyid .pahan .bzod.ces.gdahl 1 khyod .kyi-thugs.rjes dud.hgroebel kye.ma.suig7.dgag.par.bgyi
648 Ignod.pa.bgyid • la • bzod. mdzad.pal
Jgnod. mibgyid.pa.bguine .mdzad.pas
khyod . la brtse.dan.mi brtse. bag38 Irgyumthun.pa.ni.gõis • ka-gdahl
69 son chad.bgyis . pahi.suglas.kyis
hdi. Itar.hben.du egyar.ba • lato khyod .id .gnod.pa.mdzad.na.gol
sulaskyubgu .hgrotl.ba.gsun 70 gian gyis good. pa.bgyis nayah
Iñid .kyis“. phyag.gis.bśngs. htshal.nal khyod bżejs. mnon3.du.mnod.
mdzad.na I phyogs. kun.mun.par.ma.gyur.tam 71 | knn. la •srogni • phaus. pa ste
kun .la .gson.pasdug .pa .lags thains.cad. mehits.bahi .chos.cante! thams . cad.sdug.bsial.nams.kyis.
68. If, while showing patience toward him
that does harm, you cause the death of the harmless, then in your eyes there is for kindness and its bpposite an equal
reason, 69. In case you yourself do harm to those who
by the karma which is the fruit of former deeds have thus become your target,
where, say, can they go for refuge ? 70. – Inasmuch as, even if harm is done by
others, it behoves you yourself to stay it with your hand, if you openly do harm, are not all the quarters turned
to darkness? 71. - To every one life being sparingly given, 97
to every one to live is misery ;49 all being subject to the condition of death, all are distressed by griefs.
52 ilman 33.
pa 33. $Or fortunate one' - with the reading bds. " bahi 33.
las 38. 12 kyi 83. ** gnod 33. * Odu tia 33. 5 Or' is dear'?
$3 road lhui ? 95 bdon 39. gsuns must be imperative = gori, f. v. 73.
1 yio 88. - 4 vien 88.
1 mchi 33. + sion 88. 15 hchi 33. 47 Or spared'?