88 gal. tegun lngs .bzan. 289. na!
38. - If the government be good, itøl will be I gonnas.gondu hphan.bar. hgyur!
lifted from high to higher : but if one ciste nan passo . spyod .mdyad .nal
walk according to evil, from low to bog.nas. bog.tu. Itu .bar .bgyur 1
lower will he fall, 39 | dam. pabilas. la .gnas nas 2. ni | 39. - If you are steadfast in good works, then, khyunchog.danni.khyu . lta.ba
like a flock their leader, all this company Irjesu htsho. bahiskyes.buhi" .tshogs
of your dependants will follow in your I hdi . kun.rjes •suhbran.bar. hgyur
steps. 40 | khyod .kyi.gya.gyu • la •żngs.na! | 40. If you shall have committed yourself to Igya.gyu. kho nahi.rjes.hbrans. pas
deceit and have followed only in the skye.dgu .khyod .mdzad.rjes.hbran.
path of deceit, the people following your babil
example, that people will deteriorato. skye.dgu.de.ni .nams. par.bgyur 41 | de. bas. bdag .gian bsrun sladdu 41. -Therefore in order to save yourself and thugs.kyis .rab.tu.bsgrims.nas.nil
others, you ought with thorough grasp Ignahrgyal.dransron. rnams.kyi lugs
of mind to revive the fallen practice of Iñams • pasar • paro. bcos su •gsoll.
the ancient royal sages. 42 Ignaho7. yirgya] . pohi spyod .pa . las 42.- Of the action of ancient kings whatsoever I gan dag .bzen bade.mdzod . la
is good that do; but whatsoever is not mierigs.pa.nio .gaú - lags.de
right, that with reproof renounce. smado. par. mdzod .la .span.du.gsol 43 ion gyi bkah. khrims - skyon.chags.pa 143. - Staying the flow of former laws, where Ignah100.nas.mchis.kyan.rgyun.chod.
affected by error, even if existing from
of old, let king Kanika revive that which Irgyal.po.ka ni . kas .mtslan. pahil
has been well enacted. | khrimsu . bcah.ba.gsar. par. mdzod 44 | Iha.khyod yon .tan.don.gñerbas 44. - Making acquisition of virtue, do yoa, Deva, yon tan lha . bžinkho.nar. mdzod
follow only virtue, like a deva: baving Ihakhyod • skyon roams. mkhyen • pa.
knowledge, Deva, of sins, do, like yis
a deva, oniy what is void of fault. The bžia • fes • med • kho• nar• mdzod 1 45 zla.buhi. mar.gyi.no.bzindu
45. - Like the waning half of the month, cause nes.pahi.tshogs .rnams. hgrib.padan
the hosts of sin to diminish: like the Izla.bayar .gyi .10 .bziu du.
waxing half of the month, ever adom Irtag. tu yon .tan.gyis . brgyan.mdzod
yourself with virtue. 46 yab.semsl. bżinde - bdag •ñid .kyis 46. - Like your ancestors, you too should chos.kyis . 88.stens .bskyan.ba • dan
righteously rule the earth: you, like your Iyabmes.bżin.dulhakban.gil
ancestors, ought to increase the festivity dusston.hphel. bar. mdzad du•gsol |
of the temples.
* bla 33. " Or P'they'
akys.bohi 33. as di 33. 9 minah 83.
slad 83. 1 mes 33.
#pahi 83.
na 33. #bhuga 33. #sad par ? to be read! # byed. pa 83. 100 mal 33.
Or the harvest of hesren."