[June, 1909.
Peralan. 1811, Gospels, 500 Banskrit (Called Sangskrit and Bangskrita)
1808, N. T., 600. 1811, Pentateuch, 600. 1815, Historical Books, 1000. 1818, Hagiographa, 1000. Prophetical Books, 1000, 1827, Bible to I. Kings in the press, 2nd Edn.), 2000. 1804, A Grammar of the Sangakrit Language. Other Editions, 1806 and
1808. By Dr. W. Carey. 1806. The Ramayana of Valmeeki, in the original Sungskrit, with a Prose
Translation and Explanatory Notes, by Drs. Carey and Marshman. 1807, The Moogdhubodhe, or Grammar of the Sungskrita Language, by
Vopa Deva (Bengali obaracter), 1807. : 1808, Cosho, or Dictionary of the Bongskrita Language, by Amera Sinba, with
an English Interpretation and Annotations, by H. T. Colebrooke, Esq. 1st Edn., 1808. Kosha or Dictionary of the Sangskrita Language by Umara Singhs, with 40 English Interpretation and Annotations by
. T. Colebrooke, Esq. 2nd Edn., 1825. Dato. Sankhy. Pravachana Bhashya The Doctrines of the Bankhya
School of Philosophy. (In the Deva-nagari character.) 2nd Ed.,
1821. No trace of 1st Edn. The Tenth Momoir plso advertises Treatise on Geography, entitled Gola
dhya (tranplation into Banskrit) 7 Date. I have failed to trace it elsewhere, and it looks as if an edition of Bhaskars's well-known G618
dhydya was meant. Biamese (Called Thai). 1810, A Comparative Vocabulary of the Barma, Malaya, and Thai
. Languages, by Dr. Leyden. Sindht (Called Sindh). The Gospel of St. Matthew was printed. No. of copies probably 1000,
Printed in 1825. Binghalos. (Called Cingulose). 1818, Th. N. T. was printed for the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible
- Society. 2000 copies. This was a reprint of the N. T. which had been issued by
the Datoh Government in parts between 1771 and 1780, consisting of Acts by 8. Cat, Romans to Rovelation by H. Philipes, and the four Gospels revised by H. Puilipas and J. J. Fybrands from translation by W. Konym originally pablished in 1739 by the Dutch Gorernment at Colombo. It was sent as • present by the Caloutta Auxiliary Bible Society to the Colombo Auxiliary
Bible Society. Tamill (Called Tumul). 1828, N. T., for Oaloutta Auxiliary Bible Society, 5000. Toluga (Called Telinga)
1818, N. T., 1000, 1821, Pentateuch, 1000. 1814, A Grammar of the Telinga Language by Dr. W. Carey.