APRIL, 1903.)
BY SIR RICHARD C. TEMPLE. (Concluded from p. 189.)
Appendix I. Despatches to Bengal.
1700 - 1796. Extracts with regard to the Settlement at the Andamans. 30th March 1792. We shall postpone giving you any directions relative to the No Battle mont on the Andamans, until after the receipt of Captain Kyd's Survey and investigation and the Report of Commodore Cornwallis
28th February 1708. We hato referred to your Proceedings of the 6th and 29. July 1791, for information respecting the Harbour to the North East of the Great Andaman Island, and which, in the opinion of Commodore Cornwallis, is much superior, for a Fleet of Men of War, to Port Cornwallis i.e. the modern Port Blair); and direct that you transmit to Us Oopy of the Plan of this Harbour together with the former report of Commodore Cornwallis, the Surveys of Captain Kyd and Lieutenant Blair, with overy other necessary material to enable us to come to final decision respecting the fitness of this new Settlement over that which has been formed at Penang, or Prince of Wales Island.
15th April 1796. Andamans. In consequence of the decided opinion of Admiral Cornwallis in favor of the Harbour at the North East end of the Great Andaman Island, A8 & safe and convenient Port for Squadron of Ships of War, we approve of your resolution for removing the stores and every other part of the Establishment that was made at the Harbour which has hitherto buon called Port Cornwallis [i. e. Port Blair], to the Harbour recommended by the Commodore.
We likewise approve of the measures that have been taken for effecting the New Settlement, and of the Allowances to the Officers and others employed in that service, as mentioned in your subsequent Dispatches, and the proceedings to which they refer.
We direct that you send us Copies of all the Plans and Surveys that have been or shall be taken of this new Harbour. We observe that several have already been taken, and that others are expected to be made, and we desire that a regular List thereof may be transmitted to us. We observe that Major Kyd, appointed temporary Commandant and Superintendent of the Works to be erected on Chatham Island (in the modern Port Cornwallis) has been directed to prepare a plan of Fortifications for its defence of the Port, whether in the absence of the Fleet, or for the protection of any number of ships blocked up in the Harbour by a superior force. You will of course furnish us with Major Kyd's report, and an Estimate of the expence of the proposed works, that we may be enabled to give you such directions upon the Subject, as the situation of affairs buth in India and Europe shall appear to require; md no works bat such as may be deemed necessary for immediate defence are to be commenced without our previous annotion.
It appears by your subsequent Dispatch of the 12th August 1793, that in consequence of Captain Blair's report therein referred to a more minute investigation is to be made of the Soundings at North East Harbour (now Port Cornwallis, and that you are endeavoring to ascertain the CAUSE of the late uncommon sickness among the Settlers. We have therefore no farther Directions to give you upon this subject at present..
Your recommendation for establishing Courts of Justice at the Andamans will be taken inte consideration.