FEBRUAST, 1902.)
on Freight capable of carrying the 400 Bags of Rice left by Major Kyd when he sailed Augmented to a Thousand or thereabouts with the remaining Artificers, and these people whom I now leave they will Amount to Eighty or a hundred Persons, and I am of opinion that more could not with propriety and regard to Safety be sent away in such a Vessell at the Approaching oritioal Season. If I mistake Rot, one of the expected Vessells from the Andamans (the Union) is under Engagement for a fixed period which has nearly elapsed.
'1798.-Xo. XIV.
Fort William 15th March 1798. The following Correspondence between the Secretary and Mr. Peok is laid before the Board.
Sir, -In answer to your favour of yesterday I beg leave to mention the Terms of Freight to Port Cornwallis 12 or 1500 bags of Rice at 8. Rapees per Bag Seapoys and Artificers at 15 Rapeos cach or should Government take ap the whole Vessel will be Nine Thousand Rupees She Carrys 3,500 bage. Calcutta
I am, &cs. 12th March 1798.
(Signed) Bobt. Pook. To Mr. Bobert Peok Dated 13th March. Mr. Robert Peck, Sir,
The Governor General in Council having had before him your Letter of this Date I am directed to desire that in explanation of the Terms which you have offered for conveying the People and Stores to the Andamans, you will be plonged to say whether the sum of Rapeer 15 which you require for each Seapoy or Artificer, you meant to enclade their provisions Water &ca daring the Passage, and if this Charge on these accounts was intended to be included in the 15 Rupees (as the Board from the Rate suppose to be the Case) what deduction you would make from it if the Provisions and Water should be laid in by Government
I am doa Council Chamber
(Signed) E. Hay 13th March 1798.
Secretary to the Government. (A true Copy.)
Fort William 15th March 1798.
Mr Peok 18th March. Sir,- In reply to your Letter of yesterday I beg leave to mention for the information of Goverament that I will Sapply the Seapoy and Artificers with Provisions Water &cs at the rate of 15 Rupees per Man or should Government Sapply the same my Charge will be 12 Rupees each I bog to be favored with an answer to Day if convenient, as my Vessel baals oat Dock to Day and will be ready to roosive on board Cargo tomorrow. Calcutta
I am Sir Your most Obedient Humble Servant 18th March 1798.
(Signed) Robert Pock. To Xr Robert Peok 14th March.
Mr. Robert Peck, Sir, I reopived your Letter yesterday and am directed to acquaint you that it upon a regular Survey of the Darlington, it shall be found that she is in all respects, • proper Vessel to tako, at this season of the year, to Port Cornwallis, a Number of Sepoys and Artificers not exceoding one hundred and Quantity of Rice not exceeding one thousand Bags, the Governor General in Oduncil will acoude to the Terms of your Offer Vizt. that the rate of twelve Sioca Ropees per man shall bo paid for each Sepoy or Artificer for the Voyage, the Company laying in their Provision, Water &oa and that the rate of three Sicca Rupees par Bag shall be paid for the freight of the Bice. The Survey will be ordered immediately.
I am Sir, Your Most Obedient Humble Servant Coaneil Chamber
(Signed) E. Hay 14th March 1708.
Secretary to the Government. (A true Copy.)