[FEBRUARY, 1902.
3uropeans. 1 Commander 1 1st Officer 1 2nd Do 1 Gunner 4 Quarter Masters 6 Native Hilmsmen 1 Carpepter 1 Caulker 1 Syrang 1 lst Tindal 1 2d Do 1 Cossoh22 30 Lascars 1 Commanders Cook 2 DO Servants 2 Officers Servante
Ranger Schooner. Commander Lieut. George Thomas 1st Officer John Roberts 2d Officer John Frazer
Establishment Similar to the Detail of the Cornwallis. N. B. - The Show Union freighted for 4 Months from the 1st November, 1792.
(Signed) A. Kyd Superintendent at the Andamans.
1793. - No. X.
Fort William 25th February, 1793. Road a lotter from Captain Kyd Superintendant at tho Andamans.
Capt. Kyd 20th Febry. To Edward Hay Esqr. Secretary to the Government
Sir, Accompanying I send a Bill for Provisions for the Establishment at the Andawans furnished by my desire by Messrs Wilsone, Harrington and Downie; which I request you will lay before the Right Honble the Governor General in Council, that an Order may be granted for its Payment. I beg leave to observe that there are four Hundred Bag of Rice that could not lwe received on Board of the Vessels now under Dispatch which Mesra Wilsone, Harrington and Downic will deliver, whenever a further supply may be wanted. Fort William
I have the honor to be &ca 20th February 1798. (Signed) A. Kyd, Superintendant at the Andamans.
Ordered that a copy of Captain Kyds Letter be sent, with its Enclosure, to the Military Bonrd and that Authority be given for Passing the Bills of Mossrs. Wilsone, Downie and Harring. ton, for the Provisions laid in by them at Captain Kvd'desire for the Establishment at the Andamans.
22 Also spelt Casab, Cuab.