FEBRUARY, 1902.]
6. It will be also requisite that a large Spot of ground should be Chosen, in the most healthy Situation for a Hospital, and an extensive Kitchen Garden adjoining to it, provided at the times with a Measures Assortment of the Tropical Fruits (sic) and of the best kinds of Vegetables for the Sick and Convalescent and a proper place of some extent to be cleared for pasture, and Subsisting and keeping up, Constantly, a Stock of Cattle.
7. Another object of your Attention will be to fix upon a Spot where the necessary Store Houses may be built, and the Apparatus had for Careening Ships, and we wish you also to ascertain and inform Us where abouts you would propose to Construct a Wet Dock, if that should be thought Necessary at any future time, On the most approved plan adopted in the Harbours of Europe where the Situations, as at Port Cornwallis [Port Blair], are unfavorable from a want of Water Owing to the Rise of the Tides :
8. You will likewise have in View the building a Suitable Granary, Baking Houses with Mills for Grinding, -a Brew House or Distillery, Curing Houses, Working Houses for the Sail Makers, Coopers, and all Artificers of different discriptions, and places for the Stores of the Several Departments, Also Quarters for the Officers and Men when [? upon] a plan Duty on Shore (sic), -and every other Accommodation that properly belongs to an Establishment of so much Consequence as that which we design for a Naval arsenal at the Andamans.
9. Having now given You Such general directions as appeared to us necessary Concerning the Arsenal, we are next to desire that you will prepare and lay before Us a plan of Fortification for its Defence, and the Defence of the Port, Whether in the Absence of a Fleet, or for the protection of any Number of Ships booked [? locked] (sic) up in the Harbour by a Superior Force.
10. The Works you recommend are to be the most Solid and durable, and at the same time the least expensive, in their Construction, and they are to be so planned and Situated as to be as able [?capable] of being defended by a Small Body of Troops until relief; in some way or other, can be afforded to the Settlement in the Event of an Attack.
11. Your further Duty will be to chuse a Spot On the adjoining Shores, or in the interior part of the Main Island, upon which an Establishment may be formed for Supplying the necessary Stock of Cattle, and alimentary Grains for its own immediate Support, the use of the Garrison and Settlement in general, and the wants of the Navy, as far as Circumstances will possibly admit, without looking [or] trusting for Assistance in these respects, from Bengal, or any Other part of India, and We wish you to consider the object of providing gradually for the wants of the Settlement, in Such Instances, without Aid from Other Quarters, as materially Connected with the Views of Government in maintaining an Establishment at the Andamans but if you should at any time require Supplies of Grain, Cattle, or Other Articles, for present or future Subsistence, you may occasionally. apply to the Superintendant of Prince of Wales Island, to the Collector at Chittagong, and to the Chiefs of the Company's Settlements on the Corromandel Coast who will be furnished with instructions to Comply with Such Applications.
12. You will furnish us with Copies of Shore Applications from time to time, and advise us to what Extent they have been severally Answered.
13. Such Military Stores and Articles of Subsistance as may be required from Bengal will be Supplied, in the node pointed out in the Regulations transmitted to You by our Secretary, as already noticed in this Letter.
14. We desire you will prepare a place of Security for Native Felons that may be sent from Bengal to labour on the Worką, and you will Report to us occasionally, what Number can be received.
15. In olearing the Islands and Shores of the Underwood, xuborant forest Timber, you will be careful to Set apart Such of the latter as may be applied to the purposes of Ship-building in