JANUARY, 1902.)
Resolved that the Commissary of Stores and Provisions at the Andamana be directed to Indent upon the Arsenal at Fort William, for the Military Stores Required for the Use of that Settlement; the Indents to be Countersigned by the Saperintendent and submitted to the Military Boards in Bengal for their Sanction,
The Store Keeper will be furnished by the Secretary to the Military Board with all the forms, which regulate the Officers of Ordnance in making their Books and Accounts, and is directed to adhere Strictly to them ander the control of the Military Board.
Besolved that the Provisions required for the use of the Settlement be indented for, from time to time, in the same manner, a pon the Garrison Store Keeper, who is not however to provide them but by an Order from Government either direct or through the Military Board. The Commissary is not to issae any Provisions, except on regular Indents Countersigned by the Superintendant; and he is to keep, Separate, the Indents which are for the supply of what is to be placed under the Head of Military, and what belongs to the Marine, Branch of the Establishment.
Ordered that regular Returns be made by the Commissary of Provisions, quarterly or oftener if opportunities of sending them occur, to the Secretary to the Military Board for their Information, of the Balance of Provisions remaining in Store.
The Commissary is to be in all respects accountable to the Military Board for his Receipts and Issues of Provisions, in the Same manner as for the Military Stores and to attend to the Same forms in keeping his Accounts, which are not however to be blended.
Besolved that no Military or Naval Stores shall be dispatched from Bengal without having Undergone the prescribed Survey, nor shall any Provisions be dispatched for the Use of the Settlement at Port Cornwallis, without having undergone the previous Inspection and Survey of a Committee of the Military Board. Regular Reports and Surveys are also to be taken and made of their Condition upon being landed and Received into Store at that place.
Besolved that the Accountant General of Bengal shall be furnished Annually, after the Close of each Years Books, with the following Accounts by the Undermentioned Officer respectively,
By the Military Pay Master General with an Account of the Amount Admitted
by the Military Auditor General upon the Annual Disbursements of Port
Cornwallis on Account of Military Charges, Established and Contingent, By the Marine Pay Master with an Account of the Amount Admitted by the Civil
Auditor, as above for Marine Oharges. By the Naval Store Keeper with an Account of the Value of all Naval Stores Supplied
for the Marine Establishment in the Course of the Year, deducting the value of
the balances; and By the Secretary to the Military Board with a similar Acoount of all Military Stores
supplied in the Course of the Year, as well as Similar Accounts of all Provisions 80 Sapplied, distinguishing, as nearly as may be practicable, the Value of the Issues and Expenditures, to and for the Military and Marine Branches of the
Establishment. Resolved that, from these Materials and Sach other as the Accountant General muy find it necessary to call for, he be directed to state Yearly as soon as possible after the close of the Annual Books, the whole Expences of the Establishment at Port Cornwallis under the District