DECEMBER, 1902.)
BY SYAM SUNDAR DAS, B.A. Since the publication of the Prithiraj-raso has been definitely undertaken by the Nigariprachêrini Sabha of Benares, it seems desirable that the arrangement of its chapters be finally decided upon before proceeding farther with the work. When the Asiatic Society of Bengal commenced to bring out an edition of this book, Mr. Beames published in the Society's Journal an arrangement of its chapters. But since that time our knowledge about Chand's great work has increased to some appreciable extent, and I think we are now in position to reconsider the question of that arrangement.
In the course of the search for Hindi Manuscripts, which I am deputed by the Nagarlprachárini Sabha to institute under the patronage of the Government of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, and of which the Reports for 1900 and 1901 have been submitted to the local Government for consideration and publication, I have come across several manuscripts of this epic, and I give below a tabular arrangement of the chapters as found in the different manuscripts. For the sake of comparison I have also added the arrangement of Mr. Beames and of the author of Prithviraj-charitra, a Hindi bcok said to give the biography of Prithiraj as based on the facts of the Rdso. This arrangement will, I am sure, be useful to any scholar desirous of making a study of the great epic. I have put the chapters in numerical order as they seemed best to me. At the end I have also given the names of three chapters in regard to which I have certain doubts.
I need bardly state here that doubts are still entertained in some quarters as to the genuineness of Chand's epic, bat it must be remembered that it has not yet been sufficiently studied to warrant any of the sweeping remarks against it that have been made in several instances. I have collected some material, which, I am sure, will facilitate the solution of this question. A portion of it has been embodied in my first Annual Report on the Search for Hindi Manuscripts, and the rest I propose to utilize later on, as soon as I am able to give more time and attention to it. Anyhow, I am confident the publication of my first Report, which, I am glad to state, is now in the hands of the printers, will bring again into prominence the question of the genuineness of the Raso, and I only pray that scholars may give their attention to the satisfactory Bolntion of the problem. In any case, the publication of the Rdao, researches in connection with it, and the subsequent discovery of new manascripta, will, I hope, add still more to orr knowledge of this, the oldest extant book in Hindi.
One fact remains to be mentioned in connection with the following tabular arrangement. I have not attempted to show the differences which occur in the nomenclature of the different chapters as contained in different manuscripts. Besides Mr. Beames' order and that given in the Prithvir dj-charitra, I have taken four other manuscripts as my gaides. The first two are in the possession of Pandit Mohanlal Vishnu Lal Pandya (Mathura), the third is in the Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, and the fourth belongs to the Royal Asiatic Society.
Arrangement of Chapters.
Number. Serial
Names of Chapters.
Beames' Order.
Prithviraj. charitra
M. V. Pandia's
48 of
1803 A. D.
1 M.V.Pandia's MS. of 1585 A. D.
Caulfield vs.
Adi Parts Dasam Parta... Dill Ki Katha