DECEMBER, 1902.)
27. The preparation of a torana before the temple of the Jinapati, 1. e., probably of Adinatha (S. XI. 21). Jinaharsha (V. Char. VI, 629)07 speaks of a torana over the western door of the Indramandapa, which last stood before the temple of Adinatha.
28-29. The erection of temples of Suvrata of Bhrigupura or Broach and of Vira of Satyapura or Sáchor (S. XI. 22).28 Jinaharsha (V. Char. VI. 656-658) says the two temples stood right and left of the temple of Adinatha, and that the first was built for the welfare of Vastupala's first wife Lalitâdevi, and the other for the welfare of the second, Saukhyalatâ or Sokhuka.
30. The erection of a prishthapatta, i. e., of a tablet, behind the statue of Jina (Adinatha ?) of gold and precious stones, which seemed to give the statue a halo (bhamandala) (S. XI. 23).
31. The raising of a golden torana (S. XI. 24).30 V. - In the neighbourhood of Padaliptapura or Palitan :
82. The excavation of large tank (sarah, S. XI. 26), mentioned also by Somesvara (Kirtikaumudi, IX, 36) and by Jinaharsha (V. Char. VI, 677). In the latter passage it is ad.led, that the tank lay near Vagbhatapura, the place built by Kumarapala's minister Vägbhata, and bore the name of Lalitasarah in honour of Vastupala's first wife.
33. The erection of an asylum (upasraya) for Jaina monks (S. XI. 27). 34. Of a pamp-room (prapd, S. XI. 28). VI.- In the village of Arkapalita or Ankavaliya :
35. The digging of a tank (taddga, S. XL. 29). Jinaharsha (V. Char. VI. 690) adds, that Vastupala had this tank dug for his own welfare. According to the same author, he erected in the Game place a pump-room for the benefit of his mother, a sattra or alms-house for the benefit of both his parents, and further, a temple of Siva (purabhido devasya), and a rest-house for travellers. There are several villages in Kathiâvâd with the name of Ankavaliya. Probably the one meant here is that which lies eastward from Bhimnath, 71° 59' E. long. and 22° 15' N. lat. (Trigonometrical Survey Map, Kath. Ser. No. 14) on the river Lilka. There is a large tank, and the village lies on the old road from Dholka to Satrumjaya.
VII.-On Mount Ujjayanta or Girnar :
36-37. The erection of two temples of PârsvanAtha of Stambhana and of Adinatha of Satrajaya (S. XI. 30). These two temples are mentioned in the Girnar inscriptions (Arch. Rep. W. 1. Vol. II. p. 170, 1. 6) first among the baildings erected there. Jinaharsha (V. Char. VI. 695) speaks only of the temple of Adinatha.
VIII. - In Stambhana :
38. The restoration of the temple of Parsvanatha which was adorned with statues of Adinatha and Neminátha (S. XI. 31). Jinaharsha says (V. Char. VI, 518) that Vastupala deposited 1,000 dindras in the treasury of Parsvanátha for the purpose of the restoration, not that he himself had it done.
39-40. The erection of two pump-rooms (prapd) near the temple of Parsvanatha (S. XI. 32). IX. - In Darbhavati or Dabhof :
41-42. The placing of gold capitals on the temple of 'Siva).Vaidyanatha, because the old ones were carried off by the king of MÁlava; and the erection of a statue of the sun-god (S. XI, 33). Jinaharsha mantions those (V. Char. III. 371), but ascribes them to Tejah pâla. 31 Pratyagdedragatas chandrakaldsitahillataik 1
tatrendramandape mantri torans uyarfrachat Il
SAchor now belongs to Jodhpur in Rajpatan A, and lies to the North-East of Tharid. It is still a holy place of the dainas and famous for its temple, it is in 25° 11' N. lat., 71° 55' E. long.
In verno 25 the author says that he would be able to describe all the buildings erected on the Batranjaya if the creator had given him a place in the firmament like the teacher of the gods (the planet Jupiter).'
44 This place lay, as is often mentioned in the Arabandhaa, on the river Sedut or Bhedhi, and thus in the eastern part of the present collectorate of KhodA. Peterson's identification of it with Stambhattrths or Cambay (Third Roport, p. 26) is intenable, for the Bhedet is more than 30 miles distant from Oambay, and Stambhaas is named along with Stambhattrtha in the Girnde inscriptions. (Stambhana is an old name for Th&maa on the Sodhi, 10 miles month-west from Thkerd in Anand taluka, lat. 22° 43' N., long. 78°9' E.-J. B.]