DECEMBER, 1902.]
Notes on the history of the Chaudas and Chaulukyas. The first Sargs, which contains the genealogy of the Chapotkata or Chanda kings, gives the following Dames : I. - Vanaraja
Verses 1-26 II. — Yogaraja
27-28 - Batnaditya
29-30 IV. Vairisinha
31-32 V. - Kshemaraja
38-34 VI. - Chamunds....
85-36 VII. - Rahada ...'
87-38 VIII. - Bhabhata ...
39-41 l'he verses dedicated to these kings contain almost nothing but conventional flatteries in which no historical events are mentioned. Vanaraja and Bhabhata are the only exceptions. As regards the first, it is mentioned in verse 9 that he founded the city of Anahilapataks or Aphilvad, and verse 10 that he built there the temple of Panchasara-Parsvanátha. Both statements are found in most of the later Jains Prabandhas, and are therefore of no special interest. On the other hand, the statement, verse 41, that Bhabhata ruled the earth long, is of some significance and also the arrangement and nomber of the Cbåndå kings. For both entirely disagree with the statements in Kţisliņåjt's Ratnam ald, in some M88. of Merutunga's Prabandhachintamani, and in later works, like Jinamaņdana's Kumarapdlacharita, Jinaharsha's Vastupdlacharita, and Dharmasågara's Pravachanaparikshd.
All these works recognise only seven instead of eight Ohanda kings, whose succession differs from the above, ad they ascribe to the last a reign of only seven years. On the other hand, our list is almost identical with that contained in Moratanga's Therdpali, and in the Bombay edition of the Prabandhaa hintamani, pp. 85-98. In the Thardvali there are differences only with regard to the names of the seventh and eighth kings. The former is called not BAhada, bat Thaghada or Ghaghada, and tbe latter not Bhabhata but Panda. Panda is donbtless a olerical error for BhQyada or Bhuvada, which is the usual Apabhramba form for Bhabhata in the Prabandhal. Instead of Thàghada or Ghåghada, Baghada is to be read, which may be the same as Bahada if the original form of the name be Raghavabhata 10 The edition of the Prabandhachintamani has the form Akads, which differs still more strongly. On the other hand, it gives for Bhubhata the form Bhagacia, 11 which one expects.
The reign of this last prince extended to 19 years according to the Therdvali, whilst the Prabandhachintamani edition gives even 97. The latter number would, of course, agroe best with the expression chiram, 'long. In comparison with the apparently more authentio traditions of Krishnaji (which, moreover, have been printed from bad M88.) the statements of the Therávali have hitherto received no consideration. The narrative of the seven Chauda kings, the last of whom is said to have been murdered after a seven years' reign by Malaraja,
Thus No. 196 of my oollootion and BhAQ Daji'. M88., Jour. B. Br. R. A. Soc., Vol. IX, p. 157. Seo Jour. Bo, Br, R. 4. Soc. loc. cit.
• The p ago in in parenthesla in the edition. Also the narrativo which follows in the text shows that the MS. which forms the groundwork diffon considerably from the other known ones.
2. It is quite possible to And for the seventh Chands bag in the Sulpitasamblatans a name which comes very near the Alade given in the published edition of the Prabundhachintamani. We can divide L. 87, prabalafatrwatah saldika rrahur Shada itt, by which means the form Ahada is obtained. This much may be said for this division, that wo main thereby a construction exaotly corresponding to that in OTROS 87, 81, 85, eto., and also that the word Ahade, which might stand for the Sanskrit Ahavabhata (comparo Lhavamalla), would be quite a suitable opted for
king. Nevertheless I hold it probable that the name was BAbade, for I do not believe that the poet would have lighted upon the alliteration 'rdhurdhadal if the name had not begun with rd. Then the certainly corrupt forms Tulghada and Ghaghada tond to prove that the initial ww consonant.
11 Or Bh@yagada.