NOVEMBER, 1902.]
Oranchie; 8. v. Jutka, 862, ü.
Cranganorium ; ann. 1510: 8. v. Shinkali, 627, ii. Cranco; ann. 1343 : &'0. Sagar, 655, ii. Crangelor; ann. 1614: 8. o. Cranganore, 211, ii. Cranganor ; 8. r. Cranganore, 211, i ; ann. Cranguanor; ann 1554: 8. v. Cranganore, 211, i.
1572 : &. ', Cranganore, 211, ii, s, o. Quilon, Cranny; 8. v. 212, i, 785, ii, 8. v. Coolcurnee, 570, ii, twice; ann. 1578: s. v. Bamboo, 41, 191, ii, 8, d. Curnum, 217, ii; ann. 1348: 8.. i; ann. 1672 : $. v. Paulist, 521, ii.
Nacoda, 469, i, 8. v. Tindal, 703, ii ; ann. 1793 : Cranganore; 211, i and, ii, o. v. Factory, 264, i, .0. 212, ii; ann. 1810: 8. v. 212, ii, 8. v. 8. v. Shin kali, 627, i, see 627, ii, footnote; Duftery, 254, i. ann. 1806: 8. 6. 212.
Crany; ann. 1834: 8. o. Cranny, 212, ü. (To be Continued).
have the
Baisakh one becomes immune from rishta-narrú BY H. A. ROSE,
(a disease) for as many years as one has eaten Superintendent of Ethnography, Panjab. leaves. The tomb also has a general power of THE Balochos have several sub-divisions, who
healing. Another Niazi sept, the Michan Khel, can stop
is descended from Michan Baba, and has three Gurchanis.. Division: Durkani.
sub-septs, the Badni, Gorki and Aka Khels, which Sub-division. Bu ani. bleeding by . .. Division: Leshari. reciting
have varying degrees of power to oure hydroSub-division: Jabrani.
phobis and snake-bite, and visits to the tomb ... Division : Jaskapi charms and Sub-division: Girani. touching the
of the Bawa also secure immunity from anakeLegharis ... Division: Hadiani.
bite. The Burá Khêl of the Bhitanni comprises Sub-division: Shahmani. wound, and Khosas ....
six or seven families claiming Sayyid descent, .. Chitar. they used to Fakir. have the
but believed to be Mullagaars, who can avert the
enemy's bullets in war, and the Shaki sept power of bowitehing the arms of their enemies
oan cure any disorder if seven members of the so thut they became useless. In his translation of
sept pray for the patient and spread a chddar or the Balochinima, Hêtu Ram says:- The Notha
sheet over him. This sept is paid for its services. nia are the Levitical section of the Bugtis and
In Tank is a sept called Taib, near Gambila, also guardians of Pir Sohri's shrine, though they have
claiming Sayyid descent, but probably of Bhitanni adınitted a Gurchani to a share in the guardian
origin, who can cause rain by their prayers, ship. Before an expedition each man passes
and avert misfortunes. Among the Gandapur under a yoke of guns (or swords) held by men
is a Musa-zâi sept which cures cataract, and of the Nothânî section. They can charm guns
another sept, called Burâ, cures pains by strik so that the bullets shall be barmless and get (or
ing the part affected with an iron implement. claim) a share of all crops grown in the Bugti
Three visits must be made. A third sept, the country,' The Ugranås of Khai Bhara in Kull
Ibrazii, can cure a disease called dur, by blowchi Tahsil have similar powers.
ing on the wound two days, the cure resulting on Numerous Pathan sections also have similar the third. Among the BAbars is a scpt, Akhandpowers. In Ms Khel, in Dôra Isma'il Khân,
zal, of the Bawan-zis, who ean eure snake bite the descendants of Murat, of the Moi Khel, can and hydrophobia : they write a charm in three cure burns by applying their epittle to the wooden vessels, wach off the writing with water, wound, and reciting the formula, Bi'sm-j-Ua-ir.
and make the patient drink it. Tbis must be Rahm in-ir-Rahim. The power was conferred done by them gratis, but the carpenter who makes by Hindustani fagir. The Khwaja Khel the bowls may be paid, and an essential condition received a similar power from an Indian faqir, is that no other treatment, before or after, may and can cure pain of any kind by blowing be tried. The Ushtarani Pathans, by origin in a piece of salt or sweetmeat and giving Sayyids, can give immunity from weapons in it to the patient. Among the Niazis is a sept, battle, and the Hari-pal sept of the Shirannis called Sarang, who cure jaundice by blowing on have a similar power, and claim a similar descent, vrains of white jiwar, which the patient ents. Finally, some of the Qasrinis practise divination This power was bestowed by Man Khwaja Salib from the shoulder-blades of goats, and take of Mian Bagh, at whose shrine is a sarinh tree, auguries from the cries of birds.