1794. No. XXXI.
Fort William 224 August 1794. The Honble Company's Snow Cornwallis being under dispatch to the Andamans the following Sailing orders were given to the Commander Lt Wales, and the letter which will be entered after them, was written to Major Kyd, or, in his absence, the Senior Officer in charge of the Settlement.
[NOVEMBER, 1902.
To the Commander of the Cornwallis dated 21st August 1794.
To Lieutenant Wales Commanding the Cornwallis.
Sir, You are hereby ordered, winds and weather [permitting] (and the Consignments for the Andamans embarked) to weigh your anchor and make the best of your way to Port Cornwallis, where, on your arrival you are to deliver the accompanying Packet to Major Kyd, or to the Senior Officer in Charge of the Settlement, and attend to all orders you may receive from him for your future guidance.
I wish you safe and Speedy Passage, and am
Fort William
21st August, 1794.
To the Commander of the Cornwallis & to the Superintendant at the Andamans, dated 25th August 1794.
To Major A. Kyd, Superintendant at the Andamans or to the Senior Officer in charge of that Settlement.
Sir, &ca
Sir, I have the Pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your letters dated the 1st and 20th Ultimo by the Cornwallis Snow which imported here on the 24 August the former enclosing your Account Current for the Months of May and June last, with the Vouchers, together with a list of Bills of Exchange drawn upon this Government, orders were given for the acceptance of the latter, and the foer is under Andit, in the usual course.
- No. XXXII.
It is only necessary to observe, in answer to your letter of the 20th Ultimo, that authority to equip, and employ the Dispatch Brig was given to you in my letter of the 14th July by the Sea Horse, and that the Sails belonging to the Brig were sent by that Conveyance, but that as the Master Attendant mentioned that they were in bad condition, and is in the expectation that they would not be found, you have indented for others, directions were given to the Acting Naval Store-keeper to provide new Sails for the Vessell, and they will be sent by the present conveyance which will also take the other Articles you have applied for in your Indents to the different Offices.
I enclose a Copy of Lieutenant Wales's Sailing Orders and am
Fort William
21st August 1794.
Fort William 8th September 1794. Read a Letter from the Military Auditor General. Mily Aud! Gen! 1st of Sept
To the Honble Sir John Shore Bart. Governor General in Council &c &c &c Military Department.
Sir &
Honble Sir, It is an Established Regulation that all Pay Abstracts shall be accompanied by Review Rolls of the different Discriptions of People for whom the Allowances are drawn, but as Major Kyd generally sends figured returns only of the Artificers on the Andaman Establishment, I beg