JANUARY, 1902.)
1703. - NO. I. Fort William, 21st January, 1793.
Read a Letter from the Chief Engineer. My Lord, Agreeable to the Orders Communicated to Me through your Sub Secretary, how do myself the honor to transmit a Copy of the Plan for repairing of his Majesty's Ships at Port Cornwallis, and also return the Original.
I have the honor to be etc. Fort William,
(Signed) M. Wood, 19th January, 1793.
Chief Engineer. Ordered that the Plan above mentioned be deposited with the Copy of it in the Secret ry's Office.
1793. – No. II. Fort William, 28th January, 1793.
Capt. Blair. The following Letter was received from Captain Blair, on the 25th Instant, upon the arrival of the Pilot Vessel, Cornwallis, from the Andamans. To the Right Honble. Charles Earl Cornwallis K. G. Govr. General etc. in Council.
My Lord, - Having written pritty [? privately] the 31st Ultimo by the Ranger I have little to add at present, but having received a Letter from the Honblo. Commodore Cornwallis inclosing # Dispatch for your Lordship, I with all expedition forward it by Captain Crawley who returns with the Pilot Vessel he brought from Calcutta.
The Seahorse has been ander water for Some Days, which I have no Doubt will effectually destroy the white Ants and all other Vermine. This Vessel I expect will be ready to return to Calcutta by the end of this Month when I Shall do myself the honor to address your Lordship again.
The Natives continue inoffensive, the Settlers in General are healthy and the progress in Clearing and Cultivating is a good brain (sic) [? in good train]. Port Cornwallis 31
I am with great Respect &ca January, 1793.
(Signed) Archibald Blair. - 1793. – No. III. Fort William, 1st February, 1793. . . Captain Blair,
31st Dec. The following Letter and its enclosure were received from Captain Blair by the Ranger, and circulated for the Perusal of the Members of the Board. To the Right Honorable Charles Earl Cornwallis K. G. Governor General &ca in Council.
My Lord, - Agreeable to your Lordships orders of November 12th, 1792 I quited Oalentta in the Union the 4th accompanyed by the Honble. Company's Snows Juno Cornwallis and Seahorse ; having on board 360 Settlers, a great variety of Stores, and Provision for six months. Nothing remarkable occured until the 24th when we were overtaken by a voilent gale from the Eastward off Cape Negrais, Attended with cloudy weather and almost incessant rain
2) The present Port Cornwallis.)